In this episode of the I CAN U CAN Podcast, Ms. Justice has the privilege of talking to Kai, who is a New Jersey state inmate and subject of a Netflix documentary titled, The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker. You will learn about the free-spirited Kai and hear specifics on his case
Ms. Justice is an advocate for prison and criminal justice reform. In each episode she will tackle prison and life topics as only Ms. Justice can. Inside each episode you will also find Ms. Justice talking to actual inmates as they tell their life story. Ms. Justice is here to give a voice to the voiceless...By any means necessary.
Eric: I can. You can't witness justice. A podcast. Yes, you can trust this with the information. A must hits the I can you can podcast. East. Everybody, welcome back. This is season 2, episode 10 of the I can you can podcast with who, Ms. Justice. Alrighty, alrighty.
Ms. Justice: Season 2 episode 20 dot. We got a great guest today.
Eric: We have another great episode. Yes. All right, all right.
Ms. Justice: We do another great episode. Episode is great. Every episode is great.
Eric: But, but let's let's talk about the last episode. We usually.
Ms. Justice: Do the last episode was. We wanted to come back on season 2 and we want to start trying to help free face because that is the mission.
Unknown Speaker: Yes.
Eric: Estimation.
Ms. Justice: The. He has been wrongfully convicted. And we hoping that everybody that listens, you know, would agree.
Eric: Right.
Ms. Justice: Anybody I can offer help? Please contact us because we are. Are doing our best to free an innocent man. And you know I want to be clear. I'm not, you know. People be like, oh, Jay, you think everybody's? It's not that I'm not saying everybody and as you'll see in this season, we will be talking to people that are guilty but still want to talk about the conditions inside. I'm not saying everybody's innocent. His face is innocent.
Eric: Right. And also thank you to Frank for being on.
Ms. Justice: Absolutely. Thank you, Frank, for coming on and telling. You know, because it's only a story that two of them can tell because they've been through it. You know, frankly, a great brother. He's a great son. A great. He has done everything to, you know, take care of his family, yeah we appreciate it.
Eric: So you know, as we always do, everybody. Check out the e-mail chess all the past episodes like subscribe. Tell your friends Ms. Justice. I hit turning up and shaking up, turning out, shaking up everything and.
Eric: You know, we're just going to keep on going and. Going to.
Ms. Justice: We just want to be the voice.
Eric: Know what you said and I you know, you said it at the end of season 1 and you said you returning with the vengeance. I. I see the vengeance in your eyes.
Ms. Justice: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. I mean it's time, the first season we were just getting to know people. We were getting you know. We were just. Figuring out what we had to do, and now it's time. It's time to get to. We're going to stand on business now.
Eric: Stand on business. So stay. We're going to have a lot of great guests this season and going to keep on doing what we do.
Ms. Justice: Absolutely, absolutely. Absolutely. So we watch a documentary. I actually. It a while ago and I just sat with you and watched it again.
Eric: You always make me watch these things.
Ms. Justice: Yeah, always. You know, that's what I do. A video on Netflix about a hitchhiker named Kai.
Eric: Right.
Netflix clip: Have you heard about Kai? The hitchhiking hatchet hero? This dude went from this heroic, beautiful person to wanted for murder. How did it make you feel though? Being this viral sensation.
Kai: I. I'm not a virus. I'm a sensation. I’m Kai.
Ms. Justice: You know. I believe that, you know, I believe that he. What he says is. And you know, I don't know if it's the human in me or it's the compassionate part of me, but I just felt like, you know, we really need to have him on as a guest because I want to hear him speak. Want to hear his side? The Netflix documentary. According to him, he had no pardon. He had no say in. So I wanted to give him a platform that he could come on and talk about his side, you know, because that's what we do.
Eric: Well, let me let me tell you about, you know, me watching it. You all, like I said, you always have me watching these things. And you know everybody, go watch this Netflix documentary because it's it's really an amazing it is. It's I don't want to say crazy, but it's like a crazy story. You see this? Kai and you know, if you just look it up, what is it Kai? Hatchet wielding…
Ms. Justice: Kai, the Hatchet, wielding hitchhiker, on Netflix.
Eric: Right. If you if you Google that and you check it out on Netflix, you'll see all types of information like this was something as you he was on Jimmy Kimmel and…
Ms. Justice: Right. I mean, he saved the ladies life…
Eric: Right, right.
Ms. Justice: That's how it started, you know.
Eric: Yeah. So I think people really need to watch the documentary and you get a lot of. A lot of background about. This amazing, amazing story.
Ms. Justice: Yeah. And you know, everybody can take away what they what they want from it. You know, I took away that. You know, I I just wanted to speak to him myself. Wanted to have a one and you know we happen to land the only interview. That he had. Which will be on later to talk about his. He is a kind, polite human being and you know, I wanted to know. If you see the Netflix documentary, you'll see that he. Such a free spirit. And I just basically wanted to, you know, my point was to find out how a free spirit can go to a caged human, you know, from a free spirit to a caged, you know, human. So. And he talks. He'll talk about all that he'll talk about. You know all that and I'm. I'm really excited about this interview because you know. Everybody deserves a voice, everybody. So that's what we do. We give the platform where everybody deserves a voice and you. That's. We're going to do, right?
Eric: So without further ado, let's do a tales from the tomb and we'll see what happens.
Ms. Justice: Tales from the face always killing it.
Eric: Alright.
Ms. Justice: Hello.
Robot: This is a Global Tale link phone call comes from an inmate act in New Jersey State Prison. This call would be monitored and recorded for customer assistance. Thank you for using global tech link.
Face: This your boy Face three from the team coming at y'all. I'm gonna introduce y'all to a guy named Kai. He's going to let you know more about himself. You go.
Kai: Yo, who's? Yo, hear me alright, I'm great.
Ms. Justice: Hi, how you doing? Yes. How you doing?
Kai: About yourself.
Ms. Justice: Welcome to the show, can we?
Kai: I'm doing alright, I'm doing alright.
Ms. Justice: Can we call you guy? Is that cool? Is that?
Kai: You can call me. You call me Kai? The hitchhiker.
Ms. Justice: I want to introduce you. Jay. You know faces, Sister, and this is how you do. And this is my executive producer, Aaron.
Kai: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Ms. Justice: Yes.
Eric: Hi, what's up?
Kai: Erin. Hey, how you doing, bro?
Eric: How you doing? Wonderful.
Ms. Justice: Displeasure is all. I want to let you know that I appreciate you coming on and. You know, we want you to, you know. Yes. And we wanted, we want to talk about who Kai is. What we want to talk about, and I also want to. You. That, Aaron, I unfortunately have never been to Cali, even though I would love to go to Cali. But Aaron has been and he's got so many questions to ask you about skateboarding and dog. So I'm going to let him ask his questions first before we get… Who Kai is. Go ahead. Thank you.
Kai: Can I ask you? Can I ask?
Ms. Justice: You a question real quick. Absolutely can.
Kai: Perfect. So Faith said to me, yokai, you can go on the show. You can see whatever you need to say. Going to chop up your. Use bits and pieces of it to sell some narrative. You're just going to say.
Ms. Justice: What you want to say?
Kai: This is correct, absolutely.
Ms. Justice: That is.
Kai: Perfect I have.
Ms. Justice: This is this is your platform. You say whatever you want to say, OK?
Unknown Speaker: Oh, that's a shake.
Kai: Yo. OK, so I do want to answer Aaron's questions. Also have some of. Stuff that I would like to get out there. Is stuff that has not been published before. This is stuff that has not gone into the media. If you want, just let me know which order you want to do this in. If you want Aaron to ask his questions for us, you can get an idea of who I am. Hey, be my guest if you want me to go. Just let me know whatever you want to do.
Ms. Justice: How about we do? How about we let Aaron ask his questions because he wants to. Know talk about scaping. He loves. He loves skateboarding and when you're done then I will give you free will to say and talk about whatever you want.
Kai: Perfect.
Unknown Speaker: Huh.
Ms. Justice: I do want to say to you one thing. Thing I just want to say that I love the way you say home free instead of homeless.
Kai: Sure.
Ms. Justice: Absolutely love that. Can I just tell you that? I love that.
Kai: Yourself.
Ms. Justice: I love that. So go ahead, Aaron, Aaron.
Kai: Well, thank you briefly.
Ms. Justice: No, Kai, let me tell you something. I want you to know that I'm on your side. On your side and I believe. There's things you.
Kai: Appreciate you.
Ms. Justice: I. There's things you can't talk about, but I want to tell you that you were wronged. So with that being said, Aaron, go ahead, Aaron.
Unknown Speaker: No.
Ms. Justice: Thank you.
Eric: All right. So Kai, one of the things that I. I could say I kind of still skate, but used to skate years. So when it was when you said I'm Kai from Dogtown that that totally resonated with me. So. Yeah. So I you know, like I said, I was a skater like in the 80s, early 90s. And so were you. Around that, like Venice Beach, Santa Monica area.
Kai: Yeah, yeah, that's what I was talking about when I said dog town, FedEx Beach in Santa Monica.
Eric: Right, exactly. Yeah. Any question, you know, hope don't take this the wrong way, but do you? Do you miss skating? Do you miss skating?
Unknown Speaker: Yeah. Yeah, they.
Kai: Tried stealing some of the best steals in my life. Know. Yeah, I was. I was actually getting. I was getting really good at skateboarding and. Yeah. Then then these ****** *******, you know?
Unknown Speaker: You know. You know, get back. That board, right?
Eric: Yeah, because it's weird, like some of my first boards that I. I was really into like Alva skateboard. So, you know, like Tony Alva. And then, you know Jay Adams, that whole like. Stacy, exactly. Oh my God. Yeah, but you know that that that was my.
Kai: Faster start. The skateboarding. Frisco.
Eric: Odd. You know what? No, but I. Remember the what is it the? Was it the Embarcadero they used to have there that? But yeah, to answer your question, I'm not.
Kai: Yeah, they had. They got. They got some huge hills. Going to questions.
Eric: Though. Yeah, they. Yeah, they do have huge hills and I've seen guys like Bob Mills Hills and I'm like, I don't know how they're still living. How did?
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Eric: How did they not?
Kai: I found my car in. They're like 40 miles an hour down here. Oh my *******. There's no pain like that. I'm *******.
Ms. Justice: Oh my God.
Kai: So I yeah, I know I got the screen models right here in the. This is back in Canada is an Edmonton AB and I was going 40 miles an hour. Got the speed? Like a ************. And I had two options. I had a bike path in front of me and this is curving through all these trees and ****, so if I hit. Of those, it would have been over or I could carve left. I could go into the ******* food. Somebody gonna hate me with the car. Patch of. I still pull. I'm like, OK, I'm going to roll out on this grass and everything is going to be good. Got to listen. I seen those ******* wet gravel in front of this grass, so I cut. Touchdown. I jumped up my front wheel bit into the gravel and I flew like a Superman.
Eric: Ah.
Kai: Well, I'm telling you, I. My arms out in front of. I was thinking okay. I'm going to land, I'm going to talk to. Everything is going to be good. So my hands hit my shoulder, hit Powerball snapped. Yes, I got up.
Eric: Oh yeah, speed Boppers are the worst.
Kai: Picked up my. There's nobody else there. Nobody else on that ******* Hillside Hill had to walk 8 blocks home that time I got there.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Kai: My roommates, they're sitting out in the front, still drinking as a guilt. Need to be right now they're like, how are you? I grab the beer, stand the whole thing back, all the ones around, like yo-yo, Chris.
Unknown Speaker: Go back.
Kai: Like a joy. Joy right now, bro. I've been looking like car. The ******? Do you ever act like this? I'm like hell. I'll show you. I'll show you. Light that joy smoke. Joint. I pulled my shirt off right. And the ******* bone is like half. You can see the skin is stretched tighter with top of it. And like the sharp, jaded edges, the bone like underneath the front. My Jesus Christ. Now that was crazy.
Ms. Justice: Oh, we're feeling. We're feeling it, Kai. Cool.
Kai: That's your question. Well, I think he was asking questions, Aaron.
Eric: No. You know what? Just. I just wanted to, you know, like I said, that really resonated with me with the skateboard, and I just wanted to. I just you know. I I figured you missed.
Kai: Appreciate that, man.
Eric: But I wanted to just, you know, tap into some of that to make you. Make. Feel at home. So you didn't.
Kai: Oh, definitely. But I mean, like, one of the things that I've learned in here. Instead of being upset when someone brings up something that I miss or somebody having a good time, there is a Yiddish word called forgone. And this is something I learned in Victor Frankel book. On man, search for meaning and this is where you just feel joy at that somebody on the outside you care about is enjoying themselves. It's not just like a vicarious joy it for yourself, but it's a genuine joy that somebody you care about is enjoying themselves. Absolutely.
Ms. Justice: Yeah, it does make. And that's that's like very kind Kai, because. You know, we all out here hurt for face. Know that's who we're fighting for, face and. We out here, you know, our heart is broken. You know he's in there and he's. You know what, I. And it's like for everybody in there and and and it's kind of like something like, you know, I was telling Aaron about I was like, you know, Kai is such a he's such a free spirit and it's like, how do you cage a free spirit? You know what?
Eric: Yeah.
Ms. Justice: Mean like? How do? Cage, somebody who's such a free spirit. And I love your spirit. Respect your spirit like you have the best you have the.
Kai: I appreciate you. Thank.
Ms. Justice: Best attitude, Kai. Like for and especially since what has happened. You you know what I'm. Like I I was telling Aaron earlier, like this man has been through so much and he still has, like, the best attitude. How do you do that, Kai? Us, understand? How to have such a great attitude?
Kai: Well, I wake up every morning at 4, right?
Ms. Justice: I'm saying against all odds.
Kai: I wake up every morning at 4 and I meditate for like 45. It's a cross loaded I I control my breathing. I do something called pranayama, which is Sanskrit for breath control.
Ms. Justice: Right.
Kai: So I breathe in. Hold my breath. I breathe out. I hold my mind at the center of my forehead, right? And when I do this.
Unknown Speaker: I.
Kai: I calm all of my thoughts, right? And then in that perfect clarity. Then I'm able to plan the rest of my day and. I do that. I have a purpose. I have like checklist of what I need to get done throughout the day right? But I also have my own code of ethics and that's something this place can't take for me. That's something I admire about your.
Ms. Justice: Right.
Kai: You know, face when he's in here. There's a lot of peer pressure. Like be a certain way to talk. Certain way to conform. To the norms. Do they try to impose upon you 'cause? This place is built to break a person. And remake them in the midst of the Super.
Ms. Justice: You're you're.
Kai: You know. That is how they get their money.
Ms. Justice: You're absolutely.
Kai: They they create, they create a reason for their protection racket to continue, yes.
Ms. Justice: You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. I want you to know real quick something about me. I went when this happened to face. And I've had another friend that this has happened to. I went back to college and got two degrees so I could fight for prison rights, and when they asked me to define. Correction, the Correctional Facility, I said. That their goal is the, you know, break you down, break you down the nothing and build back up a monster. And that's to me, that's how I feel about the correctional system.
Kai: Yeah.
Ms. Justice: But yet out here. But out here they lie.
Kai: Yeah, I want to touch on something.
Ms. Justice: They lie and they say, oh, oh we, we we got these programs and we rehab and we this and we that.
Kai: That's what I'm about to say exactly. They build it up.
Ms. Justice: It's a lie guy. They don't do ****.
Kai: Well, like. Well, I mean like, like Malcolm X. You know, the Conservatives, like they honest about the fact they're pressing the people like liberals, they can lie about it, they deceitful.
Ms. Justice: Absolutely yes.
Kai: I hear you. Yo, what are we saying about on the? They lying now that that's something you brought up, there's a Netflix movie. Right, they said that you was interested in talking about that now that Facebook. That Netflix movie, right? That **** was a prime example of narrative doctrine. You don't access journalism.
Ms. Justice: Yes, and I agree with you.
Kai: You don't actually Miss Okay, yeah.
Ms. Justice: I agree with you. Who are they? Who are they to tell your story? They have no right and I and I, you know, I I I just don't feel like they should have got away with that. You know, again, you talk about what you want to talk about.
Kai: Well, my case has been targeted narrative doctrine since day one. So the rate is to drug my drink, the one. They accused me. Killing he. Was president of the police union in Cork, New Jersey. His brother was a police. He was friends with the head prosecutor. He was law partners with the head judge. But you don't hear about this **** in the media.
Ms. Justice: I know the.
Kai: Reason for that is, is the ****** network uses access journalism to suppress or skew the coverage of media. Gonna tell you how. Works the police and the prosecutors have access to true crime stories that big business has billions of dollars like that, and they decide who gets access.
Ms. Justice: Absolutely.
Kai: So if the media follows the narrative put out there by these police and prosecutors, they get more access, and if not, they lose the access and the competition gets it. That's why you see all these media conglomerates. Less Free Press. And you get more and more of these narrative. Conglomerates to follow exactly what the prosecution wants.
Ms. Justice: I. I agree, Kai and I said that before I even finished the Netflix documentary, I said.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Ms. Justice: They're going to railroad this guy because this guy was a white man in the affluent neighborhood and everybody knew him, so they're going to railroad him because they care more about the attorney and his status. And I did some research and. Seen all that?
Unknown Speaker: Oh yeah, yeah.
Ms. Justice: I I found out what you said. He had family members and you know, and and it's you know again. I did my research and I want to tell you that I'm on your side with this.
Kai: I appreciate it.
Ms. Justice: I'm on your side. You were. You were a victim of bias.
Kai: As you said, do you? You want to ask.
Ms. Justice: You were a victim of bias. You were a victim of the system and nobody gave you an opportunity to fight for yourself. And the other thing I want to ask you is, and it's only because me and face are really big advocates of this. But did you get to testify? Your own trial.
Kai: Yeah, yeah. But the judge kept jumping.
Ms. Justice: OK.
Kai: The judge kept jumping in a prosecutor from the bench.
Ms. Justice: OK. OK.
Kai: Yo, I got. I got this thing I want to tell you about this network, the ******. All right, this is something they have not let me say in the news. Anytime I try scheduling. They film like 45 minutes. They only use two minutes, that's. It's whatever fits the narrative I the first responding.
Ms. Justice: We we putting it all out there, Kai? We putting it all out. Whatever you want to say.
Kai: I appreciate. So the first responding. Thank you. The first responding police officer at the crime scene. His name is Keith Meehan from the Clark Police Department. He was a law client of the ******. He was called to the scene on his personal cell phone. He wasn't called on 911. The first responding cop was called on a cell phone and he was called by two friends of the ****** who arrived first to called him. Both men were friends with and regularly had lunch with both that police officer and the rape. The first responder, called the head judge as soon as he got to the scene on the head. Judges personal cell phone. That head judge was law partners with the ****** at the same firm. The first responder was a law client of. The judge and. ****** now. On February 8th of 2018. I had a hearing. You can see the transcript of this hearing on that's been filed with my hideous clip, this petition in the case McGovern versus Davis. It's in. US District Court for the District of New Jersey. The barking number if you're recording us and you want a positive or slow down and check later, it's one.
Ms. Justice: Absolutely.
Kai: Call IN22-0418 five dash. MRH it's McGovern, G Davis. If you want 1 document that will summarize my entire case. You it's talking #44 in that particular case. So that's what I'm. On February 8th I had a hearing within 2018. Was a change of county when. Trial was. The investigator for the defense testified of the hearing. She'd interviewed the medical examiner, who is at. Crime scene. The medical examiner's guide is the autopsy. That medical examiner recognized the head judge at the scene around 4:00 PM. He also recognized other Union County judges at the scene like they all had a ******* clan meeting outside of the house. Yo. That same head judge testified a period he said the investigator at the scene was a client of prisoner ******. The investigator, who was the first responding officer. The climb back head. So they made on the record. Didn't change the *******. Now the head prosecutor, Ted Romaker, you may remember him from the Netflix movie. He he's in charge of the investigation. He decided which evidence gets collected or analyzed, and he admitted news conferences. He was in the same circus as the ******. I want to tell you about those same circles. Those same circles were political funding.
Unknown Speaker: Right, right.
Ms. Justice: Absolutely, I agree.
Kai: Networks they funded lobby for politicians who serve their. Now if you want to find out more about this, you can look on This lists all of the campaign contributions. You can search people from the Netflix movie. You can search some of the people that I'm. Open It'll show you how much they gave to what politician and on what day. Of these politicians that Ted Romanco gave money. 2 is New Jersey Assemblyman Neil M Cohan.
Unknown Speaker: Now I want.
Kai: Started a 24/7.
Eric: Yes, go ahead.
Ms. Justice: I want to ask you if I find these things. Are you OK with me publishing them, putting them online and and in in order to fight for you? OK. I just want to make sure you're OK. OK.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah. Yeah.
Kai: Just a second.
Unknown Speaker: All right.
Kai: Hey, I just. What about popping sound on the phone? Now I just put it down for over. Is that better? You hear me better? Yes, you're good. You're good. Perfect.
Ms. Justice: Yeah, we hear you fine. We hear you fine. That GTL ****.
Kai: Yeah, I understand that. So OK, so I was telling you about the the latest political network and telemark from the Netflix movie. He's one of the key players in that network. He and the ****** both funded Neil and Cohen, who was an Assemblyman, Neilan Cohen said. In the 24/7 law enforcement officer. Hotline to report child *********** and the same guy was caught and convicted for distributing child **** from the state legislature. Like this this network that does this kind of ****. They have child sex, tourism, sexual abuse and weight all in common. And the reason for this is that the Ted will Makeo and his cronies use sexual blackmail and other forms of blackmail and bribery as a carrot. Stick scheme. The way. Works is if somebody turns against the network, they get exposed. And they lose a Korean business opportunities. But if they help it at work, they're rewarded with career and business opportunities. Now they got info FedEx. Book has a bunch of evidence about this. You could find this book on true story of All right, ask me to. I'll give that to you again, but in this book he has loads of evidence that that network has various drugging and ****** people, but resting little. Kids then receiving only probation and they keep that ****. Of the news. They got bribery schemes that steal from the. Regular new jerseyans. I'm going to tell you about that in a minute. Is the subject of one of those. Know that Floyd Monroe feel. I'm gonna tell you all about that. Just give me a little bit alright.
Ms. Justice: Absolutely.
Kai: So another thing I have here, you probably already know about this police gangs arrest women on ******** charges in New Jersey, and they railroaded through the courts so that the cops can rape them and use them as sex slaves as a ******* Edna Mayhaw Correctional Facility. But this.
Ms. Justice: I I was just. Oh my God.
Kai: The paper.
Ms. Justice: Oh my God. I was just ready to say that I was just getting ready to say.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Ms. Justice: What the hell is going on? This is the same **** that's going on at edmon.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Kai: It's exactly OK.
Ms. Justice: Ton and they asked they they they wanted the ******* Commissioner of New Jersey Department of Corrections to resign because of the ****.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Ms. Justice: He's been letting go. At Edmond at why call it Clinton. Call it Edmond. Whatever it is, I call Clint.
Kai: I understand. Understand.
Ms. Justice: But there's so many ******* women getting raped and abused in that facility and nobody's doing **** about it.
Kai: That's. That's because they told the cops bone like they gave the cops what they wanted the cops to kill investigation. OK.
Ms. Justice: Absolutely, absolutely.
Kai: To tell you more about. You don't do Geoffrey K Epstein is absolutely.
Ms. Justice: Absolutely. And he.
Kai: Right. So if you look on open secrets?
Ms. Justice: He didn't hang himself by. He didn't hang himself.
Kai: Yo, I got I. I got some stuff for you. Tell you what, you look them up on open.
Unknown Speaker: So.
Kai: You look up Jeffrey K Epstein and Jim Mcgreevey because Jim Mcgreevey got funded by Jeffrey Epstein, who owns. I'll tell. Who Ted will make up for the Netflix movie. The ****** himself, it was all at the same Democrat meetings here in New Jersey. I'm talking about Jesse K Epstein, the ******, and Ted will make were all the same meetings here in New Jersey because they all. Of the same network.
Ms. Justice: Right. Just like Diddy, right?
Unknown Speaker: Okay and there's.
Ms. Justice: About. Where does he fit in on this?
Kai: California. Well, you think Hollywood don't gotta know where's many.
Ms. Justice: Absolutely.
Kai: Many. There are many others doing what Epstein did to create black male and politicians and officials and Ted Romanco was just one of them, right this network. Grooms child victims. Yes, which is easy for Tablo because he was the head prosecutor in charge of sex crime investigations, and he founded the child Victim Advocacy Center. You know that guy? The politician crony who is caught distributing child ****. Jersey legislation. They never investigated who he is distributing it to, but he started a 24/7 child **** tip line at some place to this day. So any child sex abuse victim in New Jersey has to go through Ted Roman Occas network. These child sex abuse victims get brought by those police gangs to house parties, just like what Epstein did. The child was coerced. The child was coerced, refused being prosecuted for producing child *********** of themselves. And made to perform sexual acts with the target judge, lawyer or politician. And Ted will makeleine makes pictures and recordings of. Sexual. With children to use as blackmail against those judges, lawyers and politicians. This is the richest little rocks you can, Farmers Union County cop.
Ms. Justice: No, you're no, you're right. No, the right.
Kai: Yeah, here.
Ms. Justice: Because when I was in.
Kai: It's your turn, huh?
Ms. Justice: They had people come on, women that were actually saved from sex trafficking and they said the same thing you're saying. They said that the reason why they can't, you know, people always say to them well, why didn't you leave or why didn't you run or why didn't you tell? And she said you don't understand. She said you don't understand. Who the hell is in charge here.
Unknown Speaker: Where you get a one key.
Ms. Justice: Who the hell is in charge?
Kai: Exactly.
Ms. Justice: If we run, we're dead. We're dead.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Kai: Yeah, because you got these crooked cops chasing them down. They want to silence. That's why you find people hung up in the jail cell. That's why you find other cops with their heads blown off in the front seat of the cop car. Like, go through some of this stuff in his book, right? But there's also whistleblower lawsuit by a former Union County cop. Name is Homero Alamanzar and he's from Union County Police Department. He described these house. I mean, this is **** that they kill in the media if you don't access journalism, you know who else is funded.
Ms. Justice: Absolutely.
Kai: You know who else was funded by this network? New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy. Murphy. Yeah. The guy who appointed every official.
Ms. Justice: Don't get us wrong. Don't get us talking about him. Kai. We know. Yeah.
Kai: Oh, no. Let's talk about the production of the Netflix film about me. OK. So Murphy was funded by Ted Romanco from the Netflix movie. He was funded by Robert LEP. Father by the Netflix movie. He was funded by the ****** himself, Joseph J Galfie.
Unknown Speaker: Wait.
Kai: I mostly appointed every official who just granted approval for Netflix purchase of Fort Monmouth. Murphy then granted Netflix $387,000,000 in state and federal tax rebates, completely offsetting the $55 million purchase price of the 300 acres of public land. They actually do not money. Your. It's the this ******* politician just used to blow Netflix.
Ms. Justice: Our money, Kai. Kay, it's open to our money. Always our. It's always our money.
Kai: Uh, huh. Yeah, this attack, dude.
Ms. Justice: It's always our money.
Kai: Exactly. It's the taxpayers money. So this, this Netflix documentary, right? Like when they have somebody who speaks out against them. Not only do they try to silence them, they call them crazy, you know, right next door.
Ms. Justice: Now.
Kai: When they have somebody who levels an accusation of rape or sexual molestation against somebody in power like this, the people in power, they have a certain set of rights of smear pieces of things that. Say like oh. He's crazy. Oh, she's a pathological liar.
Ms. Justice: Right. And then they bring up, right and then yes.
Kai: Oh, yeah, no, she's got a criminal record. Oh, no, no. She's a woman of the night. He's a sleep. Yes, yes. You only do fish ****. That right? Yeah. They wanted to make a small piece about me and they did people willing to lie about me and suppress the truth. I. Jeff Stricker. You know what? County. He wasn't actually at the crime scene. He was never at the crime scene in Fresno. They picked the white supremacist who sympathized with Jed McBride. He wanted to. All the N words. So then he's stricken. That's why they picked him, because he sympathized with the guy who ran his car into all those innocent people of color. And he never liked me. But that thing that he said when he was trying to say in the Netflix movie. He said something entirely different to try.
Ms. Justice: Right now, no.
Kai: Did you know that stricken said something entirely different up on stage? Another one, Gabriel. His real name is Gabriel Robert Sanchez. A *******. Wanted to be yo, but he could never get his van on Netflix through actual talent. So as soon as they start asking around Fresno for musicians who played with fame. He devised the scheme to get his band on Netflix by making **** up about me and if what? Was saying if what he was saying was true, I'm telling you right now, he lied. I never said what he said, but it's what he said was true. And in 10 whole years. You think he would come forward? Believe the police investigation. He never came forward. There's a whole trial. You never. He never went to the prosecutor, never went to defense. Right, right. Then they all this media, there's all this media around. If there's actually people outside like, he says, who heard it. I mean, you think you be like, oh, you know what he said? What's the famous now? But now he didn't say **** about. Right. And go going on 10. Who ******* is now? I'm gonna set the stress right now.
Ms. Justice: I don't understand.
Kai: They did toxicology. Uh huh?
Ms. Justice: Can you tell me Kai, how they can even do a Netflix documentary and not have your input at all?
Unknown Speaker: How can they do?
Ms. Justice: Because you.
Kai: That how?
Ms. Justice: You had absolutely no input on this Netflix documentary, correct. Let's be clear about that. Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker: No, no.
Kai: Yeah. And I just want to get one more thing. I just want to get one more thing about about this, this Gabriel Francisco guy from the Netflix movie. He. He said that I laced the joint, right. He said, oh, I would RIP it off all these different drugs you listed off all these different drugs, right?
Ms. Justice: We. We did believe him. We believe him.
Kai: Listen to me. Listen to me. They did toxicology on the Wii, on the joint.
Ms. Justice: They did.
Kai: The toxicology on the blood from the creepy smashed is calling for those people, right? There's nothing in it. PhD. So when they confront him with that, he backs off on this list of all these different drugs and goes, oh, well, well, what? There's one thing that they didn't get, OK, so you should back down from the. Of **** to one thing now. They're just ************. But they let him get in the movie because they got bribed by this network because this network don't want somebody coming out with the fact that.
Unknown Speaker: Meet.
Kai: Their buddy was a. Because, you know by the company you keep.
Ms. Justice: Yeah, I want to tell you, Kai, I we agree with you because when we watched it, I was like, yo, this guys lying, this guys lying. He he just wants to be famous. We said the same thing.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Ms. Justice: Was like this guys full of ****. And then they said that they they did the toxicology and nothing. Nothing was in the drink.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah, I wanna tell.
Ms. Justice: So. Knew he was lying.
Kai: You some. The motivations they had behind the behind the movie and then I want to move into some of the stuff that they didn't show about my actual case. I want to tell you about some of the evidence, some of the evidence that.
Ms. Justice: OK. Absolutely. Absolutely, absolutely Kai.
Kai: Right. So first of all. All right. Perfect. So the movie.
Unknown Speaker: Now.
Kai: The they first approached me and Ted Romano from the movie in June of 2021. Ted Romanco he went into government economic development after being a prosecutor. He controls which businesses are approved for development of public land. He has connections with Murphy through that and through the political funding network so Fort. They issued an unprecedentedly huge request for office to purchase a month later, in July of 2021. Now in New Jersey, the public land dating process requires that you have a bunch of different organizations all putting in legitimate bids on land. So they issued this, they issued this. Request for office the purchase a month after Netflix contacted these people about the production of documentary about me, they started giving all this money to these key politicians. Network did the political funding network. The ****** was. Where are they getting this money from? I'll tell you who Netflix. So the bidding started December of 2021. It ended June 6th of 2022. There's three different entities other than Netflix that bid on this partial. The first one is mega Partial Development LLC. It was created January 27th of 2022. It has since had its corporate license revoked. There was never a real entity. Was nothing but a sham. The second one Exel acquisitions. I have public records showing that it never existed in the state. New Jersey it is. Sham. So where are these shams? They have any money getting all the money from. I'll tell you who Netflix, now the third one. All Dr. Partners LLC. It was created May 25th to 2022, less than two weeks before the bidding process ended on June 6th of 2022. All DL partners. LLC never turned a profit. Its creator was Edward Russo, who owns Russo development. A Russo Development Corporation is who Netflix is contracting with to build all of their warehouses on Fort Monmouth. So right there, you got a conflict of interest. Did he get his money for the bid? Netflix all right now. You might think, OK, this could be a coincidence. Maybe it is decided they want to buy a bunch of rat. Maybe she. Yeah, they live with Ted Romanco and stuff, but there's something else going on. So if you remember when the Netflix documentary trailer came out back in 2022, it was on December 14th. Remember that.
Ms. Justice: Yes, I do.
Kai: Yeah, do that trailer. On. Same day that trailer dropped the footage. Vitalization authority. Convened the real estate committee and voted to approve Netflix's bid. On that same day. OK. Maybe that's a coincidence. But what about when the movie itself dropped? January 13th of 2023? The hatchet will be hitchhiker documentary film dropped on Netflix. Sit on that same ******* day on that same ******* day. Hey, Netflix. Finalize the deal days waiting until that movie. But if you see what was in it, then like. OK. All right, now we'll give you all this land. So $55 million down. So you might think well, didn't get a deal out of it. Then you have to pay $55 million. Doesn't that benefit the people in new? I mean, they're developing these 300 acres of land, right? I wish that the people in New Jersey got treated raped by the government, but I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker: Any money?
Kai: You're new jerseys would have made after this. Just took that right out of your pocket. Those $387,000,000 in tax rebates for Netflix, what do you think that comes from? What do you think that tax money was supposed to go? That she was supposed to build the schools that she was supposed to pave your roads. That she was supposed to help you when you fall through one job and use waiting to get another job, and now you ain't got that $387,000,000 because this ******* network used that to cover up the misdemeanor of one of their members. Now I promised you before I started going off about this documentary I promised you I was going to tell you. Some of the stuff that they left out. I said that right.
Ms. Justice: Yeah, I mean, and listen your platform, Kai, you talk what you want, but I want to add something to. You just said.
Kai: Sure, sure.
Ms. Justice: Is that? Of like you know, when they made marijuana legal in New Jersey, I thought, well, wow, we're going to take the profit, they're going to use the money that they make, and they're going to do big things. I am unaware and I could be wrong, but I'm unaware of anything that that money has. Used. Would you agree that that's kind of the same thing?
Kai: Oh yeah. I mean, they make they make a diagnosis saying we're going to help you with job. We're going to give you all these social programs from all this new enterprise.
Ms. Justice: Right, right.
Unknown Speaker: Schools. But.
Kai: What ends up trickling?
Unknown Speaker: Right schools.
Kai: You know what jobs you get? You get jobs from McDonald's, you get jobs.
Ms. Justice: Yes.
Kai: Signing shining like level loafers like at a ******* bootstrap place.
Ms. Justice: Yeah, yeah.
Kai: All they give. They don't give you the real jobs because. Take that for themselves, right?
Ms. Justice: I mean, they promised that the money they were going to the revenue they were going to make off the legal marijuana, they were going to build schools, they were going to do this. Were going to do that. I could be wrong, but I haven't seen any of it yet. But go ahead, right?
Kai: Yeah, exactly. But that that money exists. That money exists now.
Ms. Justice: Of course it exists, of course.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Kai: Before I get into some of this, I just want to let you know there is a way that you can check and you can see the photographs of some of these pieces of evidence yourself. First of all, I gave you the number of the case, so you want.
Ms. Justice: OK.
Kai: Right. If you make yourself a free trial account a pacer monitor. You can look up all the documents in that case now. I was talking about the Netflix case, right? Was talking about them bidding. I have another case called Mcgillivies guitary. Now the document number that is 1. And two 3. Dash CD-2260 five dash JMY. United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. If you look up. That you can find that there are the records that I just told you about that show each of the other bidders for the Netflix for Monopoly were total sham entities. Did not exist. Alright, now I also said that there is evidence in the Davis case. If you look at docket entry #1, there's photographs, everything I'm about to tell you.
Ms. Justice: Hi.
Unknown Speaker: Thank you.
Kai: So this is case hard.
Ms. Justice: I know it's hard, I know.
Kai: This is a trigger loader, right?
Ms. Justice: I'm sorry, Kai, but I want you to know that we're on your side on this.
Unknown Speaker: So back in.
Kai: I appreciate you back in 2014. That, that, that ******* creep drug my dream and.
Ms. Justice: I know. And that's what I want to ask you, Kai.
Unknown Speaker: What I will call?
Ms. Justice: Wanted to ask you that. Why didn't like you told them? Like according again, according to Netflix. We could be. We'll just go and buy what we seen in Netflix, but according to that. You know, show if you will. You said. I asked them check my yard. Check the. Check the. You know. Why didn't they listen to you? And why didn't they investigate what you were telling them?
Kai: Because the rate base was president to the police union, the rate was president to the police union. He was friends with the head prosecutor.
Ms. Justice: OK, OK. OK.
Kai: Brother was the chief of. They don't want that **** getting out.
Ms. Justice: Yeah.
Kai: Because they were. Were taking part in. I told you about this police game.
Ms. Justice: Right.
Kai: They do that kind of. The vagrants I'm going to tell you some of the evidence of my innocence.
Ms. Justice: Yeah.
Kai: The words are shown in the doc. Now I'm ******. I just want to let you know not. Placing that on to you.
Ms. Justice: No, I we understand.
Kai: I I do appreciate you giving me an opportunity.
Ms. Justice: I'd be ****** ***.
Kai: Just these *************. So.
Ms. Justice: I'd be ****** *** too, guy.
Kai: So the the the culprit underneath it had a big. On. Right, right. And you see there's red spots where there's blood from the vapors and ******* carpet. Then there's that great big stain right there. That's that's my. That's how ******* terrified I was when I woke up underneath that ***** ** ****. They never ******* cut that carpet out. You analysis before I'm sure that they tested you in for drugs, but they did not cut out the ******* carpet. They could have. They would have found the rate drugs that he put in my ******* spirit. They didn't take the glass. Drank from the kitchen. They photographed it. But they didn't ******* take it. Full graph 2006 but they didn't look inside of it. They didn't know what the collect evidence is that did the carpentry. The crime scene was locker room of the ******.
Unknown Speaker: Like they.
Kai: Don't want that **** coming out. The head judge was all partners with the ******. ****** probably was the chief of police. All of them. They was in on that. They didn't care anybody else to come in, collect evidence. Nah, they want to control that. They want to control that crime scene.
Ms. Justice: Did. Did you have a public defender, Kai, or did you have an attorney from the street?
Kai: I had a public defender.
Unknown Speaker: OK.
Ms. Justice: He.
Kai: Was trying to give me the runaround, so I followed him like yo. Yeah, I want to represent myself.
Ms. Justice: Yeah, right.
Kai: I taught myself law.
Ms. Justice: Right.
Kai: They gave me a pool attorney. I said, yo, I want to follow Brady motion, a Brady V Maryland. And basically when the prosecutor destroys evidence of your innocence, you can file a motion for dismissing indictment.
Ms. Justice: Right.
Kai: I filed. That was like, yo, what about the the carpet? What about the glass? What about?
Unknown Speaker: Rape.
Kai: The poor. You didn't do any of that. I'm. I'm supposed to mount to the fence. Without. That and this, ************* lady they gave. Stood in front of me. Including. Remember, they banned cameras in the courtroom that y'all wouldn't hear on court TV. When my lawyer said to the jury.
Ms. Justice: They did. They did.
Kai: My client is full of crap. He did this intentionally. He ran out of the house. That **** is right there on the ******* cold hard transcript, and they're trying to tell people to get in a ******* fair trial.
Unknown Speaker: They give me no *******.
Kai: Fair trial, I know.
Ms. Justice: Exactly.
Kai: What you said word for? Have it seared into my consciousness now, yeah.
Ms. Justice: Well, I know you've been trying to get an appeal as well and they wouldn't give you 1 correct and but you have now.
Kai: Oh. Oh, that was amazing. That reminds me. That's because every single judge in New Jersey, every single judge in New Jersey in the state, state court system, they're up for review every seven years, every seven years, the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Kai: Decides who gets to be a judge. So if these judges, if the Senate likes them. If the Judiciary Committee likes them, they get to keep the tenure. But if they ****** *** this Judiciary Committee, they lose their tenure. Can never be a judge in New Jersey. Yeah, OK. And these judges that they put in 20 years, they get a pension. So if they would have been in for like 14 years, 50 years, they don't want to lose that ****. Kiss the devil down for that ****.
Ms. Justice: Yeah, it seems like you know we the people.
Unknown Speaker: You know what I'm saying? So.
Kai: This Judiciary Committee. Uh huh. Well, let.
Ms. Justice: We the people won't mean ****, OK? I. OK, go.
Kai: Appreciate. I. I I will come back to that. When? When? When the Judiciary Committee makes these decisions, you got to remember where the money comes from. These senators, they get elected. But in order to get elected, they have to have these really expensive election campaigns. They have to have the unions in and, you know, some of these strong. Unions are the police union all right. You have the. Form then you got. Then you got. The. Where does that funding come from? This political funding network funds each of those senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee. All right. And this isn't a state, this is. You know Bob Menendez, US senator from here, New Jersey.
Ms. Justice: I do. I.
Kai: He's got ran down on by the fence. He's got. You know what he taking money to decide who gets to be.
Ms. Justice: He just he just recently. Yes, he did.
Kai: Federal judge in the district of New Jersey. That ************ nominated 9 out of 13 federal judges in this in New Jersey. So just the key is doing that you got the state, you got the state, you the city committee nominating, howling or firing all these judges. Because here's the difference. The Fed, the based of Washington. You got all of Washington. Hold them accountable, right? But here in New Jersey, who going to hold these senators accountable for the state? How the cops can do that when the police games decide what gets investigated and what doesn't. They ain't gonna. Especially not when these are the chosen politicians. Now you wonder why they do a dog and pony show about your civil rights laws that. Side with the *****. It's because these cops keep these senators in business like they have those black male networks. Like I told you about where? Manko goes to the children, daddy's. Said her. He falls off these these, these children. He goes, the children who go to him for help, saying yo, somebody's. Somebody's made child ***** bill me and he goes to him and says look. We're going to charge you for producing child **** unless you want to tell me. Party on Friday night that the police game picks them up.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Kai: There's all this **** **** records, and with these senators. With these judges and they use that as blackmail, saying look, you can either go with us. So we're going to expose you for what you did with these kids. That's all going to be you. And if you want, if you want to try to expose us, we were. To find you dead. That's how they work.
Ms. Justice: The power. It's power.
Kai: That that's all we base. On power and control.
Ms. Justice: Yep, would you?
Kai: Do a **** about love.
Ms. Justice: Would you? I watched an interview not too long ago with a girl who was saved from sex trafficking and she said the biggest agency that. Sex traffick is the foster care system. You agree with that?
Kai: Well, not only do I agree with that.
Ms. Justice: I mean.
Kai: Have a solution for that.
Ms. Justice: And.
Kai: Launch Secure System right now is almost completely unregulated.
Ms. Justice: It is.
Kai: That means that anybody, if they can pass a criminal records check to become a foster. Somebody even do criminal records check. All right. And creditors specifically selected for them, yeah.
Ms. Justice: Well, just desperate. Yes, you're desperate.
Kai: Well, right now, technology exists. Exists. It's called formal imaging can detect sexual arousal even when somebody's trying to hide. So if you show these potential foster parishes like regular videos, like just kids being kids at playground or something and they found a limiting pixel, eliminate them. They can become foster parents, but are they doing this for them to do this?
Unknown Speaker: I like that.
Ms. Justice: I like that, Kai. I like that.
Kai: Or they don't know.
Unknown Speaker: Weird. I mean, where are they going to find their victims? But this is.
Unknown Speaker: Why being you have 30 seconds remaining?
Kai: The traffic.
Ms. Justice: Exactly.
Kai: That's what these sexual black male networks rely upon. You know, they just give us a 32nd warning.
Ms. Justice: Exactly.
Kai: Gonna call you, bro. Here and see if he can call you back, right?
Ms. Justice: He he should be able to, but yes, please do.
Kai: All right, all right.
Unknown Speaker: OK.
Unknown Speaker: I.
Unknown Speaker: I.
Ms. Justice: Hello.
Unknown Speaker: This is a global tail link prepaid call from.
Unknown Speaker: ****.
Ms. Justice: The ******* GTL is acting up again. Wait, just wait for call back. *******. Yo, this is ********.
Eric: Yo, you said they're changing it.
Ms. Justice: Yeah, they're changing it to seacox seacaucus seacox. I can't say it right, but Jay, because global telling got the **** out. They they're ****. So they changed it. That Seahawk has got the new bed. So global telling is making everybody pay so.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Ms. Justice: Some ******** yo.
Unknown Speaker: I.
Ms. Justice: And I did look it up. As a matter of fact, nobody, nobody has an interview with him. Nobody has gotten an interview with him. He said that Dateline tried to get one. Take that dateline, *****.
Unknown Speaker: Stream.
Kai: God.
Ms. Justice: Woo Ultra Mag 7.
Eric: Are you ready for what's?
Unknown Speaker: Woo.
Eric: Are you ready for this?
Ms. Justice: Little scary. Little scary. Come for. Men in black don't come for me. I want to tell you something. Has been. Unbelievable. I mean. There this. Of all, I just want to thank him so much because he was so kind. He was so kind and I just, you know, like, I'm just speechless. Don't know what else to say. Like he. You know. Woo, that's all I could. I don't even have a quote today because I don't because he, you know, he did.
Unknown Speaker: You did.
Eric: You took your breath away.
Ms. Justice: Really did like. I'm just so grateful that you know, and it's funny because he said. Know I can't talk about my. I don't want to talk about my case and I was like, you know what, that's OK because I like to know. Kai, is you?
Eric: Yeah. Yeah, no, we wanted.
Ms. Justice: We wanted to put out. Who? Kai was. The Netflix documentary did not do that. So, I mean, he had a free platform. I told him this. This platform was free. Talk about whatever he wanted. You know, I was hoping to get to know him a. Better and. We did and he was free to talk about whatever he wanted.
Unknown Speaker: I.
Ms. Justice: You know I. To tell you, he said. Some **** that.
Eric: You know. All I want to know is about some skateboarding that's.
Ms. Justice: I understand. I understand you take an easy way. I get.
Unknown Speaker: It.
Ms. Justice: I just. I want to be able to give a voice to people that don't have one, and that's exactly what I do and I'm so taken back by it that I don't even have a quote so.
Eric: That's what you do.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Ms. Justice: Kai, thank you so much face.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Ms. Justice: You so much.
Unknown Speaker: You stay.
Eric: You, faith? Yeah. Absol.
Ms. Justice: Face thank you so much for making it happen.
Unknown Speaker: Absolutely.
Ms. Justice: And you know, Kai, we wish you. You know, we wish you all the best. And if for some reason you get out, I hope that you do beautiful things, you know. Listen, take it for what he said. But I you know, he he. Like to. It, but he may. Spitting facts on some ****, man, I know you.
Unknown Speaker: No.
Ms. Justice: Want to be a part of it? Ultra magazine but.
Eric: And.
Ms. Justice: I mean. I've been through a lot too, and I know a lot and it's just, you know, some of the stuff he says makes sense, man. Whether people want to believe it or not, but I always want people to understand one thing. We the people, first 3 words of the Constitution of the United States.
Eric: Well, no, that's that's your quote.
Ms. Justice: We the people.
Eric: There you go.
Ms. Justice: We the people, that's.
Eric: There you. You found your quote right? Alright.
Ms. Justice: So appreciative is what I want to say.
Unknown Speaker: Yeah.
Ms. Justice: Very appreciative. I'm grateful. And you know, all I ever want to do is is help people. Give them a voice and that's what we're doing. That's what we're doing.
Eric: Give them a voice, right?
Ms. Justice: Thank you so much.
Eric: Right. So thank you, Kai. Ms. Justice, another one in the books and everybody listen. Tell your friends share.
Ms. Justice: Another one of her. Yep.
Eric: You know, I think I told us that he has a a, a group of people that follow him. Hey.
Ms. Justice: He does. He has a hell of a following.
Eric: All all those people like share, comment, post and all that and you know to help the.
Ms. Justice: People love him.
Eric: Bigger, yeah.
Ms. Justice: People love him and we want to. It too.
Eric: So we will see you. Next time, all right.
Ms. Justice: Next time season 2. Mic Drop.