Website Visitors Guestbook

If this project had a novelty bookshop cafe where you could see archivists typing away, digitizing old badly scanned books, printing them out, and filling the shelves with newly restored philosophy books, what do you think the visitor's guestbook would look like? And what note would you leave? E.g. After a day of reading and sipping sugarcane juice on a balcony looking over the Mekong river.

Feel free to click the little 'writer's pen' symbol to add to this page with your own note about your experience with using the website.

Or someone else can potentially add the comment for you, if you make your comment on one of our discussion spaces on Discord or Matrix, tweet or DM us on Twitter or email


I really like this concept. I have struggled against conformity almost every day of my life. I also admire others who do the same.


I love this.


The good, bad & gray designation doesn't sit well with me, but I'm going to make my own distinctions. Most of the good list is gray in my book (and self-reflecting, I am gray by my own metrics). Anything over like five people I know personally I would be averse to involvement anyway. The existence and accessibility of the list, I like, for my own use.


Prescribing morality categorization to the filing of texts is an ill-conceived method for sorting.

I just figured if I was looking at a list of revolutionary groups espousing various political philosophies, and I didn't know who any of them were, my main motive for deciding which to pick first would be whether I was in a mood to read about groups who had a roughly positive effect on the world or a roughly negative one.

Do you have a themed sub-categorization you'd suggest? Or would you sub-categorise them by date? Or leave them as one big list sorted alphabetically?

Maybe just Suggested vs Not Endorsed or Controversial. It's essentially the same but softer, and less prescriptive.

It's definitely tricky to categorize without passing judgment.