Title: Some of The Anarchist Library’s Controversially Published, Deleted & Rejected Texts
Author: Various Authors
Notes: This is a live wiki page that anyone can edit. So, both librarians and readers can add arguments and counter arguments for archiving texts or for deleting and moving texts elsewhere, or any other edit suggestions.

    A library enthusiasts introduction

    Short List


      Abdullah Öcalan

      Ausonia Calabrese

      Bob Black


      Edward Abbey

      Friedrich Nietzsche

      Georges Palante

      Hakim Bey / Peter Lamborn Wilson

      John Jacobi

      Max Stirner

      Max Wilbert

      Michael Schmidt

      Murray Bookchin

      Noam Chomsky

      Samuel Edward Konkin III

      Ted Kaczynski

      Último Reducto

      Wolfi Landstreicher / Apio Ludd / Feral Faun


      Author’s preference

        Child Molestation vs. Child Love (Critically Annotated)

      Unknown reason

        The Virtual Factory

        Armenia doesn’t need another political party — it needs a MOVEMENT!

        Communization and the abolition of gender

        Guerilla Open Access Manifesto

        Economic Battle

        A Tyranny Of Editors

        All Days Matter!

        Anarchism Before Labels

        Identity Poltics Are Boring As Fuck

        Insurrectional Nihilism

        Second Wave “Feminism” Is Feminism...

        The Fox Knows the Hen

        The Ones Who Came Back to Omelas

        White Supremacy Is a Disease

        A Tranarchist Manifesto

        ‘Human Rights’ and the Discontinuous Mind

        Chile: Anatomy of an economic miracle, 1970–1986

        The IWW in Canada

        Ableism at the Anarchy Fair

        Chinese Anarchism for the 21th Century

        Capitalist Education and Learned Helplessness

        Think for Yourself, Question Authority

        Political Prisoners, Prisons, and Black Liberation

        The Anarchistic Devil

        The Devil and Karl Marx

        Leaves of Grass

      Belief that the text is not anarchist enough

        Finbar Cafferkey: The life and death of an Irish fighter ‘who put his money where his mouth is’ in Ukraine

        The Left-Overs

        Where did all the tankies come from?

        Thirty Years Ago Today I Shot My First Fascist

        Towards a New Oceania

        Anarchism and Immigration

        Anarchists Hate Racism

        Black Trans Feminist Thought Can Set Us Free

        Epistemelogical Anarchism

        Against Anarcho-Putinism

        Insurrection and Production

        A way propounded to make the poor in these and other nations happy

        The Problem with Nonprofits

        Whoring Out Our Trauma

        Imagination and the Carceral State

        A Half Revolution: Making Sense of EDSA ’86 and Its Failures

        Life After Patriarchy

        Pushed by the Violence of Our Desires

        Black liberal, your time is up

        Politics at the End of History

        From Urumqi to Shanghai: Demands from Chinese and Hong Kong Socialists

        Burning Bridges

        A history of true civilisation is not one of monuments

        Rethinking cities, from the ground up

        What Women Should Know About Communism

        Community Control, Workers’ Control, and the Cooperative Commonwealth

        And The War Drags On

        Fathers and Children

        Basic Politics of Movement Security

        Beginner’s Kata

        A Case of Mutual Aid

        The Evolution of the Language Faculty

        Exiting The Vampire Castle

        Workers Launch Wave Of Wildcat Strikes As Trump Pushes For ‘Return To Work’ Amidst Exploding Coronavirus

        What is Dadaism and what does it want in Germany?

        Liberation Theology for Quakers

        Outlaw Kings and Rebellion Chic

        Think of the (queer) children

        A Planned and Coordinated Anarchy

        Revisiting the Model

        You Shouldn’t Have to Pay to Be Alive

        Imagining an optimistic cyber-future

        The Shape of Things to Come

        International Council Correspondence, Volume 1, Issue 1

        The Gender Binary Is a Tool of White Supremacy

        Democratic Nation

        DIY Template for Horizontal Bylaws

        Strike Strategy

        The Authoritarians

      Possible scraping error

        The Life and Writings of Severine

        Intellectual Property

        Christian Theology of the Homosexual Reaction

        The Coworker

        Eclipse and Re Emergence of the Communist Movement

        What’s Wrong With Postanarchism

        Antonio Tellez Sola Anarchist International Octavio

        Cornelius 168precisely

        Rick Astley a Left Nrx Manifesto

        Aldo Perego Alfredo M

        Beforeactivate Change

        Bob Blek Uprazdnenie Raboty

        De Ric Shannon and J



        The Dialectical Delinquents


      Michel Foucault books


      Does the Unabomber have any relevance to anarchism?

      Disrupting The Purist Anarchist Pipeline

A library enthusiasts introduction

This text was created for anyone curious about various library crew’s archiving ethoses.

The internet, bookshops, and libraries are all swamped with more information than anyone could read in a lifetime, but when searching for reading on a particular subject, having the choice of 100 texts on that subject isn’t necessarily valuable if the task of choosing between them is made more difficult by a librarian crew’s choice to archive 50 texts that showcase embarrassingly anti-anarchist ideas, or where the one text that would interest you most has been deleted from the catalog due to the librarian crew having ideological disagreements with the author.

Therefore, when browsing texts from these institutions it would be valuable to get a sense of what type of texts are likely included at a higher or lower rate. So, what type of texts it is better to go elsewhere to look for. A simple brochure or web page people could read would suffice, to see a list of some of the texts that were controversially included or excluded, and ideally the reasons why.

Finally, I think there is value in discussing the embarrassment some people feel about controversially platforming some texts under the banner of ‘The Anarchist Library’. For example, if one of the reasons for hosting a text on the The Anarchist Library is that it can’t easily be found elsewhere, then having that be more well-known may encourage people to start a unique archival project specifically for exploring texts on that subject. Also, most every anarchist would agree that platforming the complete works of Mao under the banner of The Anarchist Library just because he was an ex-anarchist would be an unjustifiably embarrassing platforming of ideas. So, I just think it would be good for the library crew to post publicly the arguments and counter-arguments for why they think archiving various controversial authors and texts would or would not amount to this kind of embarrassing platforming.

Short List


  • Abdullah Öcalan

  • Bob Black

  • Eco-Extremism

  • Edward Abbey

  • Friedrich Nietzsche

  • Georges Palante

  • Hakim Bey / Peter Lamborn Wilson

  • John Jacobi

  • Max Stirner

  • Michael Schmidt

  • Murray Bookchin

  • Noam Chomsky

  • Samuel Edward Konkin III

  • Ted Kaczynski

  • Último Reducto

  • Wolfi Landstreicher / Apio Ludd / Feral Faun


Author’s preference

  • Child Molestation vs. Child Love (Critically Annotated)

Unknown reason

  • The Virtual Factory

  • Armenia doesn’t need another political party — it needs a MOVEMENT!

  • Communization and the abolition of gender

  • Guerilla Open Access Manifesto

  • Economic Battle

  • A Tyranny Of Editors

  • All Days Matter!

  • Anarchism Before Labels

  • Identity Poltics Are Boring As Fuck

  • Insurrectional Nihilism

  • Second Wave “Feminism” Is Feminism...

  • The Fox Knows the Hen

  • The Ones Who Came Back to Omelas

  • White Supremacy Is a Disease

  • A Tranarchist Manifesto

  • ‘Human Rights’ and the Discontinuous Mind

  • Chile: Anatomy of an economic miracle, 1970–1986

  • The IWW in Canada

  • Ableism at the Anarchy Fair

  • Chinese Anarchism for the 21th Century

  • Capitalist Education and Learned Helplessness

  • Think for Yourself, Question Authority

  • Political Prisoners, Prisons, and Black Liberation

  • The Anarchistic Devil

  • The Devil and Karl Marx

  • Leaves of Grass

Belief that the text is not anarchist enough

  • Finbar Cafferkey: The life and death of an Irish fighter ‘who put his money where his mouth is’ in Ukraine

  • The Left-Overs

  • Where did all the tankies come from?

  • Thirty Years Ago Today I Shot My First Fascist

  • Towards a New Oceania

  • Anarchism and Immigration

  • Anarchists Hate Racism

  • Black Trans Feminist Thought Can Set Us Free

  • Epistemelogical Anarchism

  • Against Anarcho-Putinism

  • Insurrection and Production

  • A way propounded to make the poor in these and other nations happy

  • The Problem with Nonprofits

  • Whoring Out Our Trauma

  • Imagination and the Carceral State

  • A Half Revolution: Making Sense of EDSA ’86 and Its Failures

  • Life After Patriarchy

  • Pushed by the Violence of Our Desires

  • Black liberal, your time is up

  • Politics at the End of History

  • From Urumqi to Shanghai: Demands from Chinese and Hong Kong Socialists

  • Burning Bridges

  • A history of true civilisation is not one of monuments

  • Rethinking cities, from the ground up

  • What Women Should Know About Communism

  • Community Control, Workers’ Control, and the Cooperative Commonwealth

  • And The War Drags On

  • Fathers and Children

  • Basic Politics of Movement Security

  • Beginner’s Kata

  • A Case of Mutual Aid

  • The Evolution of the Language Faculty

  • Exiting The Vampire Castle

  • Workers Launch Wave Of Wildcat Strikes As Trump Pushes For ‘Return To Work’ Amidst Exploding Coronavirus

  • What is Dadaism and what does it want in Germany?

  • Liberation Theology for Quakers

  • Outlaw Kings and Rebellion Chic

  • Think of the (queer) children

  • A Planned and Coordinated Anarchy

  • Revisiting the Model

  • You Shouldn’t Have to Pay to Be Alive

  • Imagining an optimistic cyber-future

  • The Shape of Things to Come

  • International Council Correspondence, Volume 1, Issue 1

  • The Gender Binary Is a Tool of White Supremacy

  • Democratic Nation

  • DIY Template for Horizontal Bylaws

  • Strike Strategy

  • The Authoritarians

Possible scraping error

  • The Life and Writings of Severine

  • Intellectual Property

  • Christian Theology of the Homosexual Reaction

  • The Coworker

  • Eclipse and Re Emergence of the Communist Movement

  • What’s Wrong With Postanarchism

  • Antonio Tellez Sola Anarchist International Octavio

  • Cornelius 168precisely

  • Rick Astley a Left Nrx Manifesto

  • Aldo Perego Alfredo M

  • Beforeactivate Change

  • Bob Blek Uprazdnenie Raboty

  • De Ric Shannon and J

  • Janeaddamscollective

  • Nomadicnegativist

  • The Dialectical Delinquents


  • Michel Foucault books

  • Unbreakable

  • Does the Unabomber have any relevance to anarchism?

  • Disrupting The Purist Anarchist Pipeline


Abdullah Öcalan

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: During the early years of his leadership of the PKK, the group professed to hold to ‘Marxist-Leninist’ ideology and were accused of numerous human rights abuses including civilian massacres, summary executions, plus the use of suicide bombers and child soldiers. The organization is historically to blame for the burning of schools and killing of teachers who they accused of “destroying Kurdish identity”, attacks on hospitals which resulted in the death of doctors and nurses, and allegedly the kidnapping of foreign tourists for ransom.

A readers argument against deleting: He has inspired big world developments such as the council systems in Rojava which has lead to anarchist internationalists supporting grassroots projects on the ground there and the diverse militias at war with ISIS and Turkey.

Read the texts here:

Ausonia Calabrese

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: At least one of the texts just reads as a purposefully edgy defense of going back to cannibal-themed feudal times.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the texts here:

Bob Black

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: The author snitched to the police that an ex-friend was manufacturing opium which lead to the person’s house being raided. Also, he is a sexist and anti-feminist, having published polemics such as “If You Can’t Stand the Heat, Stay in the Kitchen” and “Feminism as Fascism”. Finally, he harassed and attacked anarchist collective Processed World with death threats and destruction of possessions, as well as filing a complaint with the San Francisco Planning Commission over alleged zoning violations that led to the eviction of Processed World from its office.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the texts here:


A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ITS came out of the anarchist space and how far from it they’ve found (or removed) themselves from it is of interest to some anarchists. It is part of our history and is completely appropriate for it to appear on an archival project documenting anarchist and related texts.

Reading things by people we disagree with (or making such readings accessible to other people) is not condoning the things we disagree with, much less supporting them. Anyone who insists on banning particular texts from the library because they personally disagree with the content is acting to indoctrinate, not allowing people to make up their own minds.

A readers argument for deleting:

  1. Anti-tech terrorist ramblings & apologia has no place in an anarchist library.

  2. The texts can easily be found elsewhere.

  3. ITS never claimed to be anarchists and rejected any identification with anarchy as early as their 4th communique:[1]

“Why do we not consider ourselves anarchists? Precisely because we do not share the anarchists’ vision about the “destruction” of this world to create a “new,” “self-managed” one within the clichés of mutual aid (to strangers) and (promiscuous) solidarity, which as we stated before is not natural.”

Put simply:

Framing matters. When you put Ted K in an “anarchist library” you’re declaring “Ted K is inside anarchism”. If you put a unnoticeable “non-anarchist” tag on it you’re declaring “still within the circle of texts we think are anarchist-adjacent, in-group and respectable enough”

There are, after all, infinite “anarchist-adjacent” things. Mao came from anarchism, but if your “anarchist” library contains every maoist text you’re normalizing maoism.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the texts here:

Edward Abbey

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: He’s a socially conservative author.

A readers argument against deleting: There are only 2 texts on the library and he’s relevant to the history of Earth First!

Read the texts here:

Friedrich Nietzsche

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: Nietzsche never claimed to be an anarchist.

A readers argument against deleting: I don’t know of anyone who truly minds this being on the website, it’s just often argued that it’s a contradiction to host multiple books by this author who’s clearly not an anarchist and yet not host multiple books by Foucault. Which may be a fair point, but obviously the desired way of solving that perceived hypocrisy would not be to delete these texts.

Read the texts here:

Georges Palante

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: The author rejected any identification as an anarchist and his misanthropy came from a snobbish perspective of looking down on the lower classes.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: Misanthropic Pessimism

Hakim Bey / Peter Lamborn Wilson

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: Author wrote lots of pedo apologia.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the texts here:

John Jacobi

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: The author is an ex-anarchist who began to see himself in common cause with eco-extremists, then later regretted some of his apologia for terrorism.

A readers argument against deleting: Only the one text and it’s mostly just a critique of dogmatism.

Read the text here: A Critique of the Nomadic Hunter / Gatherer Ideal

Max Stirner

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: Some of his ideas can be read as proto-right-libertarian-ish.

A readers argument against deleting: Jokes idea.

Read the texts here:

Max Wilbert

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: Deep Green Resistance are Maoist-ish & TERFs.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the texts here:

Michael Schmidt

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: Schmidt was outed as a racist engaged in a poor one man attempt at entryism.

A readers argument against deleting: His texts were on the library before the outing and what he did wasn’t as heinous as Mao level crimes to merit removing.

Read the texts here:

Murray Bookchin

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: Author became an anti-ish-anarchist curmudgeon.

A readers argument against deleting: He has inspired big world developments such as the council systems in Rojava which has lead to anarchist internationalists supporting grassroots projects on the ground there and the diverse militias at war with ISIS and Turkey.

Read the texts here:

Noam Chomsky

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: Liberal-ish.

A readers argument against deleting: In terms of authors he’s potentially been the largest recruiter of people towards anarchist philosophy and action for decades.

Read the texts here:

Samuel Edward Konkin III

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: Anarcho-capitalist-ish, plus support for a Holocaust revisionist journal and positive review of a book that endorsed holocaust denial.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the texts here:

Ted Kaczynski

A librarians argument for deleting: I find the man insufferable for his anticommunism, misogyny, and trans misogyny. Also the people he bombed could have been chosen better. He could have bombed powerful people instead.

Some librarians arguments against deleting:

rocinante: The library was founded by anti-civ anarchists, nihilist anarchists, and a handful of other modifers. I’m one of these people and back then I would have called myself and did “anti-civ”. There were post-anarchists, anarchists without adjectives, and whatever. I think from the very start the library made a point as being a place to publish every single anarchist text every written (well kind of).

lucian: idk why ted k and ITS are always conflated. ted k said he was an anarchist. prior to his arrest he was in correspondence with LWOD. his first prison interview was with the EF! journal. he’s had letters in green anarchist magazine, green anarchy magazine, and AJODA

like it or not, he’s anarchist.

magsalin: Personally I disagree with hosting Ted K and ITS texts

eris: yea, a lot do

hence me raising this

magsalin: But not only do I support keeping it up, when I see people uploading new Ted K. texts I approve it

The Anarchist Library was founded by anticiv nihilists

TEd K and ITS belong to this tradition

eris: hmm, fair

magsalin: However, because ITS turned anti-anarchist, there’s a sort of informal moratorium on new eco-extremist texts, especially eco-extremist texts that are explicitly hostile to anarchism

Eco-extremist texts are published on a case to case basis

A readers argument for deleting: Ted’s period of identification with anarchism was very opportunistic and shallow in that he simply thought it would be advantageous to have some recognized political identity when writing about the terrorist violence he hoped to incentivize in others:[2]

In 1995 I described FC as ‘anarchist’ because I thought it would be advantageous to have some recognized political identity. At that time I knew very little about anarchism. Since then I’ve learned that anarchists, at least those of the U.S. and the U.K., are nothing but a lot of hopelessly ineffectual bunglers and dreamers, useless for any purpose. Needless to say, I now disavow any identification as an anarchist.

Ted’s politics mostly just amounted to thinking it would be nice if we could click our fingers and all go back to the stone age where men had a lot of negative liberty to leave their tribe to live a solitary existence hunting and gathering and hardly ever have to meet another person. But, unlike anarcho-primitivists, he didn’t hold the view that life in primitive society would be one of egalitarian freedom, which though true, it is the false belief motivating anarcho-primitivists that make their desires still anarchist, which Ted Kaczynski and many of his followers explicitly renounce:[3]

[M]y hope, is that certain inconvenient aspects of hunter-gatherer societies (e.g., male dominance, hard work) would turn off the leftists, the neurotics, and the lazies but that such societies, depicted realistically, would remain attractive to the kind of people who could be effective revolutionaries.

But, even if you were to grant this ideal end goal is still anarchist, it is as empty and illusory an end goal as when Stalinists claim to have the same ideal end goal as anarchists because Ted and his followers advocate a ‘means of getting there’ that has very little difference to setting up a cult like vanguard party[4]:

(ii) If a member of the anti-tech organization can find a place on the editorial board of a radical environmentalist periodical (for instance, the Earth First! journal), he will be able to influence the content of the periodical. If a majority of anti-tech people can be placed on the editorial board, they will be able in effect to take the periodical over, minimize its leftist content, and use it systematically for the propagation of anti-tech ideas....

How can anti-tech revolutionaries get themselves into positions of power and infuence in radical environmentalist groups? The most important way will be through the moral authority of hard work. In every organization which they seek to capture, the communists are the readiest volunteers, the most devoted committee workers, the most alert and active participants. In many groups, this is in itself sufficient to gain the leadership; it is almost always enough to justify candidacy [for leadership].

The [Communists] in penetrating an organization... become the ‘best workers’ for whatever goals the organization seeks to attain....

This writer has had no opportunity to study more than a few of the works of history, political science, sociology, and revolutionary theory that may be relevant to the anti-tech enterprise. Worthy of careful attention are the works of Alinsky, Selznick, Smelser, and Trotsky that appear in our List of Works Cited. But there is a vast amount of other relevant literature that deserves to be explored; for example, the literature of the academic field known as “Organizational Behavior,” and the works of Lenin to the extent that they deal with revolutionary strategy and tactics (his ideological hokum is merely of historical interest). Thorough library research will reveal an unending series of other relevant works. It is worth repeating that this literature will provide no recipes for action that can be applied mechanically. It will provide ideas, some of which can be applied, with suitable modifications, to the purposes of an anti-tech organization....

List of Works Cited ...

Alinsky, Saul D., Rules far Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals ...

Selznick, Philip, The Organizational Weapon: A Study of Bolshevik Strategy and Tactics ...

Smelser, Neill., Theory of Collective Behavior ...

Trotsky, Leon, History of the Russian Revolution ...

Bowditch, James L., Anthony F. Buono, and Marcus M. Stewart, A Primer on Organizational Behavior ...

Christman, Henry M. (ed.), Essential Works of Lenin ...

Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, Lenin on Organization ...

Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, Collected Works ...

Historical Materialism (Marx, Engels, Lenin) ...

Stalin, J., Foundations of Leninism ...”

Ted first publicly broke with anarchism when a vegan primitivist from Turkey wrote to Ted in 2006 with a long list of questions. Ted responded with a detailed critique of how many primitivists idealize primitive life, arguing that the hierarchical relationships found between many tribal members is natural and therefore neutral or good.[5]

Finally, it’s important to understand that Ted’s political foundations were built on being a young self-radicalized library loner who inherited a lot of the elitist aristocratic intuitions of the anti-modernist middle & upper classes in the 50s. He cycled through a bunch of reactionary dispositions starting with fascism and ending on a kind of anti-tech vanguardism. In his final years he advocated an organizational strategy similar to Maoism and suggested seeing if alliances could be made with jihadists like Bin Laden.[6][7]

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the texts here:

Último Reducto

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: The author is anti-anarchist and simply commenting on a group of anti-tech terrorists.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: Comments on the communiques from Individualists Tending toward the Wild

Wolfi Landstreicher / Apio Ludd / Feral Faun

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: Author has engaged in pedo apologia and anti-tech terrorism apologia.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the texts here:


Author’s preference

Child Molestation vs. Child Love (Critically Annotated)

Author: Feral Faun

A librarians argument for deleting: because the author didn’t want it up (the library presumed)
we don’t know. wolfi doesn’t use the internet
but we can presume that, because he left it out of every reprint of that collection, he didn’t want it out there

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: Likely the author’s preference.

A readers argument against deleting: Wolfi’s philosophy and creative writing style has been the subject of popular discussions among anarchists, so it would be valuable to see a critique of how Wolfi marshalled his particular political philosophy in defense of child sexual abuse. Also, so that people can feel better prepared to be able to notice and critique this kind of apologia for abuse if it’s ever taken up by other people in one’s own life.

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc12>

Unknown reason

The Virtual Factory

Author: Anton Freinen

A librarians argument for deleting: as per yea.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: It’s situationist, but not necessarily anarchist. Plus, no source that can be checked.

A readers argument against deleting: If the uploader put effort into translating this text then it might be worth publishing in the hope that it will lead to more information coming out on the source text and the situationist history that included many anarchists.

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc5>

Armenia doesn’t need another political party — it needs a MOVEMENT!

Author: Armenian Libertarian-Socialist Movement

A librarians argument for deleting: deleted

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: It’s useful to know what grassroots efforts anarchists are potentially involved in internationally.

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc6>

Communization and the abolition of gender

Author: Maya Andrea Gonzalez

A librarians argument for deleting: deleted

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc7>

Guerilla Open Access Manifesto

Author: Aaron Swartz

A librarians argument for deleting: I can see the light, but not taking me there

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc10>

Economic Battle

Author: Andrew Klemenčič

A librarians argument for deleting: accidentally published, pending review

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc11>

A Tyranny Of Editors

Author: Magical Comrade Molotov Catgirl

A librarians argument for deleting: deleted, pending further review

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc19>

All Days Matter!

Author: Magical Comrade Molotov Catgirl

A librarians argument for deleting: deleted, pending further review

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc20>

Anarchism Before Labels

Author: Magical Comrade Molotov Catgirl

A librarians argument for deleting: deleted, pending further review

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc21>

Identity Poltics Are Boring As Fuck

Author: Magical Comrade Molotov Catgirl

A librarians argument for deleting: deleted, pending further review

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc22>

Insurrectional Nihilism

Author: Magical Comrade Molotov Catgirl

A librarians argument for deleting: deleted, pending further review

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc23>

Second Wave “Feminism” Is Feminism...

Author: Magical Comrade Molotov Catgirl

A librarians argument for deleting: deleted, pending further review

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc24>

The Fox Knows the Hen

Author: Magical Comrade Molotov Catgirl

A librarians argument for deleting: deleted, pending further review

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc25>

The Ones Who Came Back to Omelas

Author: Magical Comrade Molotov Catgirl

A librarians argument for deleting: deleted, pending further review

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc26>

White Supremacy Is a Disease

Author: Magical Comrade Molotov Catgirl

A librarians argument for deleting: deleted, pending further review

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc27>

A Tranarchist Manifesto

Author: Magical Comrade Molotov Catgirl

A librarians argument for deleting: deleted, pending further review

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc28>

‘Human Rights’ and the Discontinuous Mind

Author: Anonymous

A librarians argument for deleting: Discussion pending

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc29>

Chile: Anatomy of an economic miracle, 1970–1986

Author: Black Flag

A librarians argument for deleting: discussion pending

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc30>

The IWW in Canada

Author: G. Jewell

A librarians argument for deleting: pending

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc35>

Ableism at the Anarchy Fair

Author: Anonymous

A librarians argument for deleting: pending conversation

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc46>

Chinese Anarchism for the 21th Century

Author: Li Meiyi

A librarians argument for deleting: pending discussion

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc47>

Capitalist Education and Learned Helplessness

Author: Shaun Riley

A librarians argument for deleting: Pending discussion...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc57>

Think for Yourself, Question Authority

Author: Arno Ruthofer

A librarians argument for deleting: to the bin for now, pending further review

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc58>

Political Prisoners, Prisons, and Black Liberation

Author: Angela Y. Davis

A librarians argument for deleting: unpublished pending further conversation

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc111>

The Anarchistic Devil

Author: Stephen Edred Flowers

A librarians argument for deleting: unpublished, need to research author and txt a bit more

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc112>

The Devil and Karl Marx

Author: Stephen Edred Flowers

A librarians argument for deleting: unpublished, need to research author and txt a bit more

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc113>

Leaves of Grass

Author: Walt Whitman

A librarians argument for deleting: for now, published by accident.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc605>

Belief that the text is not anarchist enough

Finbar Cafferkey: The life and death of an Irish fighter ‘who put his money where his mouth is’ in Ukraine

Author: Conor Gallagher and Daniel McLaughlin

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist, only mentions they were helped by anarchists

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: The story is about someone who wasn’t an anarchist and who it only mentions was helped by anarchists.

A readers argument against deleting: The network of internationalist and anarchist support for the Ukranian people is an important and inspiring subject.

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc4>

The Left-Overs

Author: Alexander Reid Ross

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: It’s a cool critique of a small post-left to fascist pipeline.

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc114>

Where did all the tankies come from?

Author: William Gillis

A librarians argument for deleting: transphobia. can discuss. removing for now. see comment.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: I don’t know if there exists conclusive evidence for this, but if there did exist evidence of a real phenomenon of trans people feeling alienated and existing in reactionary online groups at higher rates than cis people per person, then I don’t think it would be transphobic to simply mention that as part of a larger argument. I read it as a critique of how reactionaries prey upon alienated people and have a higher turn-over rate for not seeking to work with people in a stable situation in life.

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc120>

Thirty Years Ago Today I Shot My First Fascist

Author: Ali Al-Aswad

A librarians argument for deleting: is this by an anarchist? doesn’t use the word, couldn’t find info about it online

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: Anarchist internationalists often write under local names given to them during their service. It feels very relevant to the current bombing of Gaza and anarchist participation in protests against the bombings. The author is anonymous, but it was posted at the same time as a public PLO volunteer with a similar life story and lots of other anonymous texts exist on the website.

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc121>

Towards a New Oceania

Author: Albert Wendt

A librarians argument for deleting: author not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc122>

Anarchism and Immigration

Author: Scott of the Insurgency Culture Collective

A librarians argument for deleting: author supports prison, see “The Anarchist Response to Crime”

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc123>

Anarchists Hate Racism

Author: Scott of the Insurgency Culture Collective

A librarians argument for deleting: author supports prison, see “The Anarchist Response to Crime”

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc130>

Black Trans Feminist Thought Can Set Us Free

Author: Che Gossett

A librarians argument for deleting: deleted no mention of anarchist word

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc135>

Epistemelogical Anarchism

Author: Danielle Bolelli

A librarians argument for deleting: Doesn’t seem to be anarchist in orientation.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc136>

Against Anarcho-Putinism

Author: Dark Night

A librarians argument for deleting: fascist-apologetic (specifically Azov regiment, etc.) and cop-jacketing

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc138>

Insurrection and Production

Author: Angry Workers of the World

A librarians argument for deleting: I read this. It’s about seizing state power, establishing a ‘transition period’ etc. ‘Insurrection’ does not refer to Bonnanno, Weir etc. References include Group of International Communists, Paul Mason (UK Labour party), Trotsky, ‘Bolchevik foreign policy,’ etc.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc174>

A way propounded to make the poor in these and other nations happy

Author: Pieter Corneliszoon Plockhoy

A librarians argument for deleting: It was decided that this utopian text is not proto-anarchist or anarchistic.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc202>

The Problem with Nonprofits

Author: Another Slice

A librarians argument for deleting: no anarchist word

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc206>

Whoring Out Our Trauma

Author: Jack Parker

A librarians argument for deleting: no anarchist word, anarchy, anarchism. looks interesting, but not specifically anarchist it seems

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc207>

Imagination and the Carceral State

Author: Joshua Bennett

A librarians argument for deleting: none of the four texts mention anarchist word

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc230>

A Half Revolution: Making Sense of EDSA ’86 and Its Failures

Author: Allen Severino

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc243>

Life After Patriarchy

Author: Alnoor Ladha

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc246>

Pushed by the Violence of Our Desires

Author: Anonymous

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc247>

Black liberal, your time is up

Author: Yannick Giovanni Marshall

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc248>

Politics at the End of History

Author: Cam Cannon

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc249>

From Urumqi to Shanghai: Demands from Chinese and Hong Kong Socialists

Author: Chinese and Hong Kong socialists

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc254>

Burning Bridges

Author: Curtis Fields and Brooke Harter

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc255>

A history of true civilisation is not one of monuments

Author: David Wengrow

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc284>

Rethinking cities, from the ground up

Author: David Wengrow

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc285>

What Women Should Know About Communism

Author: He Yin Zhen

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc286>

Community Control, Workers’ Control, and the Cooperative Commonwealth

Author: Howard “Howie” Hawkins

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc287>

And The War Drags On

Author: Internationalist Perspective

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc293>

Fathers and Children

Author: Ivan Turgenev

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: I think it would be a good not-anarchist literature exception since it’s relevant to Emma Goldman’s life trajectory, etc.

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc294>

Basic Politics of Movement Security

Author: J. Sakai, Mandy Hiscocks

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc331>

Beginner’s Kata

Author: J. Sakai

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc344>

A Case of Mutual Aid

Author: Joseph M. Reagle Jr.

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc345>

The Evolution of the Language Faculty

Author: Marc D.Hauser, Noam Chomsky, W. Tecumseh Fitch

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: I know it would risk contributing to modern day anarchism being seen as a Chomsky cult, but I think it would likely be good to see one text on Chomsky’s academic chops. It’s a useful part of the equation of whether he has anything useful to say, since his motivation behind studying language is also connected to his desire to see massive societal change.[8]

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc357>

Exiting The Vampire Castle

Author: Mark Fisher, (k-punk)

A librarians argument for deleting: Not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc383>

Workers Launch Wave Of Wildcat Strikes As Trump Pushes For ‘Return To Work’ Amidst Exploding Coronavirus

Author: It’s Going Down

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist enough

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc387>

What is Dadaism and what does it want in Germany?

Author: Dadaist Revolutionary Central Council

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist, but open for more discussion on this one

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc400>

Liberation Theology for Quakers

Author: Alice & Staughton Lynd

A librarians argument for deleting: Not anarchist.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc401>

Outlaw Kings and Rebellion Chic

Author: Alister MacQuarrie

A librarians argument for deleting: Not anarchist.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc421>

Think of the (queer) children

Author: Ava Gardener

A librarians argument for deleting: Not anarchist.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc425>

A Planned and Coordinated Anarchy

Author: Joseph Scalice

A librarians argument for deleting: not anarchist.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc426>

Revisiting the Model

Author: Kim Moody

A librarians argument for deleting: Not anarchist.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc442>

You Shouldn’t Have to Pay to Be Alive

Author: Lavra Tamutus

A librarians argument for deleting: Not anarchist.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc448>

Imagining an optimistic cyber-future

Author: Tech Learning Collective

A librarians argument for deleting: Not anarchist.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc451>

The Shape of Things to Come

Author: J. Sakai

A librarians argument for deleting: Not anarchist. If I recall correctly, we mean to exclude J. Sakai from the library.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc455>

International Council Correspondence, Volume 1, Issue 1

Author: International Council Correspondence

A librarians argument for deleting: Not specifically anti-statist.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc459>

The Gender Binary Is a Tool of White Supremacy

Author: Kravitz M.

A librarians argument for deleting: Not sure if this is anarchist.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc464>

Democratic Nation

Author: Abdullah Öcalan

A librarians argument for deleting: this text is literally about state formation. not anarchist.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc470>

DIY Template for Horizontal Bylaws

Author: Usufruct Collective

A librarians argument for deleting: Usufruct Collective is libertarian socialist but not all of their texts ought be on the library

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc493>

Strike Strategy

Author: John Steuben

A librarians argument for deleting: writer is not anarchist

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc494>

The Authoritarians

Author: Bob Altemeyer

A librarians argument for deleting: “The mid-term elections of 2006 give hope that the best values and traditions of the country will ultimately prevail.” can we not? deleted pending discussion.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/dumpster-diving-the-anarchist-library-text-bin#toc517>

Possible scraping error

The Life and Writings of Severine

Author: Severine

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed: <web.archive.org/web/theanarchistlibrary.org/library/severine-the-life-and-writings-of-severine>

Intellectual Property

Author: The Anarchist Library

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed: <web.archive.org/web/theanarchistlibrary.org/library/the-anarchist-library-intellectual-property>

Christian Theology of the Homosexual Reaction

Author: Unknown

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed: <web.archive.org/web/theanarchistlibrary.org/library/christian-theology-of-the-homosexual-reaction>

The Coworker

Author: David Graeber

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed: <web.archive.org/web/theanarchistlibrary.org/library/david-graeber-the-coworker>

Eclipse and Re Emergence of the Communist Movement

Author: Francois Martin and Jean Barrot Aka Gilles Dauve

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed: <web.archive.org/web/theanarchistlibrary.org/library/francois_martin_and_jean_barrot__aka_gilles_dauve___eclipse_and_re-emergence_of_the_communist_movement>

What’s Wrong With Postanarchism

Author: Jesse Cohnand & Shawn Wilbur

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed: <web.archive.org/web/theanarchistlibrary.org/library/jesse-cohnand-shawn-wilbur-what-s-wrong-with-postanarchism>

Antonio Tellez Sola Anarchist International Octavio

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed: <web.archive.org/web/theanarchistlibrary.org/library/antonio-tellez-sola-anarchist-international-octavio>

Cornelius 168precisely

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed: <web.archive.org/web/theanarchistlibrary.org/library/cornelius-168precisely>

Rick Astley a Left Nrx Manifesto

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed: <web.archive.org/web/theanarchistlibrary.org/library/rick-astley-a-left-nrx-manifesto>

Aldo Perego Alfredo M

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed.

Beforeactivate Change

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed.

Bob Blek Uprazdnenie Raboty

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed.

De Ric Shannon and J

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed.


A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed.


A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed.

The Dialectical Delinquents

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

Text not archived or possibly a scraping error and the text never existed.


Michel Foucault books

A librarians argument for rejecting: ...

A librarians argument against rejecting: ...

A readers argument for rejecting: Liberal-ish & potentially child sexual abuse.

A readers argument against rejecting: Only one book exists on the library, yet he’s been a stepping stone for many people towards anarchist philosophy and action for decades. Plus, many anarchists relate to his philosophy as a foundational building block of their politics.

Read the texts here:


Author: Ali Al-Asfa

A librarians argument for rejecting: not anarchist, no mention of anarchist word, unknown author

A librarians argument against rejecting: ...

A readers argument for rejecting: No mention of anarchist word and unknown author.

A readers argument against rejecting: Anarchist internationalists often write under local names given to them during their service. It feels very relevant to the current bombing of Gaza and anarchist participation in protests against the bombings. The author is anonymous, but it was posted at the same time as a public PLO volunteer with a similar life story and lots of other anonymous texts exist on the website.

Read the text here: <thelul.org/library/ali-al-asfa-unbreakable>

Does the Unabomber have any relevance to anarchism?

Author: Theo Slade

A librarians argument for rejecting: El says we should not upload things from Theo Slade. (from Elin — to be more specific, until Slade’s Ted K Archive starts citing t@l for the hundreds of texts they’ve copied and pasted from us, I don’t think we should publish them. They have their own archive to publish their own (usually very low-quality) texts)

A librarians argument against rejecting: ...

A readers argument rejecting: The author copied over texts without credit.

A readers argument against rejecting: The Ted K Archive definitely forked off a chunk of The Anarchist Library with the aim of publishing many of the texts in a more responsible way and then archiving tangentially related side reading to show the context various books and essays are written in.

One goal in creating the website was to build an easily searchable website people could use to research socially conservative primitivists and eco-fascists attempts to appeal to anarchists. Also crucially, a website that was very openly highly critical of these attempts.

So, our middle ground suggestion for libraries, publishing houses, social centres, etc. who want to explore the emergence of some reactionary ideas, is just not to confuse a primary role the project serves in being ‘a place people can find anarchist texts’, but to spin off a separate research project, and advertise it as such.

The anarchist library has published 50 or so texts that were first archived on TKA, and there was a questionnaire created in order to make the process of copying over a 100 or so more texts more efficient.

Finally, it would be great if someone with the knowhow and time happened to desire to write code to create share links to The Anarchist Library mirror for every text that has a duplicate there. So that people randomly researching Ted K who want to share a text for reasons unrelated to ‘the technology question’ can have an anarchist library link to share.

Read the text here: <thetedkarchive.com/library/does-the-unabomber-have-any-relevance-to-anarchism>

Disrupting The Purist Anarchist Pipeline

Author: Theo Slade

Some librarians arguments for rejecting:

magsalin: You uploaded it on the wrong library. The bookshelf is our meta wiki, not the main library

Also, some peeps told us you said kinda mean things about the library? Something about us having low standards?

Ishkah: I think that was a misunderstanding, I was being self-deprecating, like ‘hey I got my writing on this platform that I like, I know it’s not the most popular site in the world, but it makes me happy’

lucian: this one is a no from me
it includes a dox
ie. the real name of someone who was trying to hide their real name
ishkah this who EE conversation was tired in 2011
i’m dead against this one tbh. you include jullian langer in your section ‘Eco-Extremist Nature Worshipers’, even though julian has wrote against eco-extremism countless times
including aragorn! in that section probably isn’t smart either

magsalin: Hey Aragron! literally founded the site

Ishkah: Julian Langer and Aragorn explaining or critiquing eco-extremism, I didn’t say they were eco-extremists.

A librarians argument against rejecting: ...

A readers argument for rejecting: Too critical of Aragorn and other post-left anarchists.

A readers argument against rejecting: I censored the quoted critique that included private details, plus I added more disclaimers and footnotes to make clearer that I wasn’t denouncing everyone whose writing I quoted who were describing various ideologies.

Read the text here: <thetedkarchive.com/library/theo-slade-disrupting-the-purist-anarchist-pipeline>

[1] Industrial Society and Its Future (Latest Edition)

[2] Ted Kaczynski’s Letter Correspondence With David Skrbina

[3] Strategic Guidelines for an Anti-Tech Movement

[4] Ted Kaczynski’s Interview with a Turkish Primitivist

[5] Ted Kaczynski’s Various Ethical & Political Flirtations

[6] Dangerous Reading

[7] A text dump on eco-extremism

[8] Language, Morality, and Human Nature