A blueprint for a future bonus Communalist Library using AmuseWiki software

The Current Communalist Library Today
An introduction to Communalism & Social Ecology
Politics & Libertarian Municipalism
Jineolojî and the Women’s Revolution
The Manifesto of the Democratic Civilization
A Future Bonus Communalist Library
What to do about texts listed in the Communalist Library
Some texts that are already in AmuseWiki format
Content not yet converted into AmuseWiki format
Some potential texts already in AmuseWiki format that could be copied over
This is a rough attempt at showing the benefits of creating a bonus communalist library with AmuseWiki software, plus sketching out a vision of what a future library will look like.
Online libraries that run on AmuseWiki software provide high quality online web browser versions of texts, along with various other formats, like PDFs, plain text, HTML, EPUB, and XeLaTeX.
This means texts can be DIY printed to high quality formatting, plus at low ink cost, rather than trying to print from a photoscan.
All AmuseWiki sites also provide a way for distributors and friends to change the layout of the PDFs and to create collections of an arbitrary number of texts (1 or more). See the bookbuilder page.
The sites also have an advanced search engine where you can find a text you want to read by searching a short sentence and it will search the full contents of every text on the library.
Also, it standardizes the various formats and bad quality scans that exist of texts, for example I typed up this photocopied to death image so that people could find it easier to read:

There’s also lots of cool features like a text collections system people can incorporate:

Finally, with the library working like a wiki, you can have 1, a few, or many librarians deciding on what texts ultimately get published and deleted, however, anyone can submit edits and new texts, so it isn’t one person doing all the work.
The Current Communalist Library Today
Welcome to the Online Library for the Communalism Discord. We have collected many works both directly and indirectly connected to Social Ecology, Libertarian Municipalism and Communalism. Hopefully you will find this resource useful.
Perspectives on Palestine
As genocide unfolds in Palestine, movements from around the world have expressed their solidarity with the brave resistance of the Palestinian people. These booklets discuss the history and context of the conflict, and look for lasting solutions.
An introduction to Communalism & Social Ecology
The following are helpful introductory texts to get an understanding of the basics of Social Ecology and Communalism, by a variety of authors. They vary in length, from pamphlets and articles to books.
Social Ecology in-depth
Social ecology constitutes the philosophical and anthropological aspects of Communalism’s political philosophy. The following works are more in-depth analyses of social ecology from both a philosophical and anthropological perspective.
Politics & Libertarian Municipalism
Libertarian Municipalism is the political strategy developed by Murray Bookchin. The following texts discuss this strategy as well as politics seen through a Communalist lens, from the city to the confederation.
Looking back at Bookchin
These texts reflect on Bookchin’s life, work and and legacy, giving more insight into the debates of his time and the political climate of the times, as well as constructive critiques.
Democratic Confederalism
Democratic Confederalism is the political philosophy developed by Kurdish freedom movement figurehead Abdullah Öcalan, who was inspired by Bookchin among others. Öcalan’s approach is based on decades of practical political organising, alongside an increased focus on women’s liberation, making it a topic of its own.
The Theory of Democratic Modernity as a Guide for Building a New Internationalism
Your Freedom and Mine by Thomas Miley and Federico Venturini
Jineolojî and the Women’s Revolution
The struggle of women within the Kurdish Freedom Movement represents one of the most radical and organised women’s movements on the globe. Inherently anti-capitalist, internationalist and anti-state, it sets the bar for other movements. Whilst topics related to women’s liberation and jineolojî are also discussed in the above section, these texts are for those looking to learn more in detail about the praxis, theory and history of the movement.
The Manifesto of the Democratic Civilization
Abdullah Öcalan’s most comprehensive work is his five-volume manifesto, which details Democratic Confederalism’s anthropology, philosophy and politics in the most comprehensive manner. Volumes 4 and 5 are yet to be made available in english.
Resources on Rojava
The revolution in Rojava is currently the largest democratic confederalist movement working at a large scale. The following resources give a comprehensive overview of the inner workings of the social, political and ecological revolution in North East Syria.
Rojava: A Social Contract for Revolution? by Legerin Magazine
Beyond the Frontlines: The Building of the Democratic System in North and East Syria
Young and Promising: An Introduction to the NES University System
After ISIS: Ensuring a Future for Christians and Other Minorities in North and East Syria
The Battle for the Mountain of the Kurds by Thomas Schmidinger
There are several audiobook versions of communalist texts. Below are some of them.
If you prefer listening to reading, then these are the podcasts for you. There’s discussion of social ecology as well as adjacent topics. They make for great listening, being both thought-provoking and featuring many great guest speakers.
Videos & Documentaries
There are excellent videos out there on international liberatory movements. In this section, you will find not only some outstanding documentaries, but also videos from various conferences and talks about Communalism and Democratic Confederalism.
Organizations & Websites
Below are the websites of various organisations that are related to Communalism and Democratic Confederalism, focussing on direct action, education and political change. Some websites offer their own learning resources and courses that are highly recommended to check out.
A Future Bonus Communalist Library

Call out for web developers
So, things are moving along and we're hoping we can find a web developer who'd like to help out with unpacking the AmuseWiki files on our server.
Myself and a few peeps from the Anarchist Federation of Cyber Communes (AF2C) are working on creating a bonus Communalist Library with Amusewiki software, so that more people can collaborate on adding texts to the library & so that the texts are easier to word search:
I know communalism can be slightly different to social anarchism, and there are a lot of legitimate critiques of the tendency which we definitely plan on platforming (Saul Newman, Wayne Price, etc.). However, we think it's close enough to anarchism, like big tent libertarian socialist that they're cool people to help out with making it easier for people to explore their range of texts and debate them.
We've already bought the web domain: <communalistlibrary.com>. Plus, we're in the process of creating space to host the library files on AF2C's servers with this docker: <https://github.com/rojenzaman/amusewiki-docker>
The only problem is that currently all the web developers on AF2C are already spread really thin, so it'd be good to find a web developer interested in following this how to guide for setting up the AmuseWiki software: <https://anarchistlibraries.net/howto> on AF2C's servers, plus to be the main person that can be around to do a little site maintenance if necessary like be able to work out if a PDF with really big dimensions is messing up the website script.
So, if anyone here has the time and would be up for getting involved it'd be super appreciated. If you want to check out the AF2C website it's: <https://af2c.org>, plus here's the AF2C matrix chat that it'd be good for people to join, so that the group can vet peeps before giving access codes to the server:
Finally, Marco from anarchistlibraries.net offered to help tutor anyone who'd like a hand navigating the server files by messaging the #amusewiki IRC:
What to do about texts listed in the Communalist Library
Some texts that are already in AmuseWiki format
Perspectives on Palestine
An introduction to Communalism & Social Ecology
Social Ecology and Communalism — Murray Bookchin
Social Ecology — Brian Tokar
Reason, Creativity and Freedom — Eleanor Finley
Remaking Society — Murray Bookchin
The Next Revolution — Murray Bookchin
The Murray Bookchin Reader — Janet Biehl
Social Ecology in-depth
The Ecology of Freedom — Murray Bookchin
The Ecology of Everyday Life — Chaia Heller
Toward Climate Justice — Brian Tokar
Politics & Libertarian Municipalism
The Confederation as the Commune of Communes — Debbie Bookchin & Sixtine van Outryve
The New Municipal Model — Eleanor Finley
The Politics of Social Ecology — Janet Biehl
Urbanization without Cities — Murray Bookchin
The Limits of the City — Murray Bookchin
Looking back at Bookchin
Ecology or Catastrophe — Janet Biehl
Recovering Bookchin — Andy Price
Democratic Confederalism
Democratic Confederalism — Abdullah Öcalan
Democratic Nation — Abdullah Öcalan
War and Peace in Kurdistan — Abdullah Öcalan
Bakur Rising — Nazan Ustundag
The Seeker of Truth — Bager Nujiyan
Jineolojî and the Women’s Revolution
Liberating Life: Women’s Revolution — Abdullah Öcalan
The Manifesto of the Democratic Civilization
Civilization: The Age of Masked Gods and Disguised Kings — Abdullah Öcalan
The Sociology of Freedom — Abdullah Öcalan
Resources on Rojava
Rojava: A Social Contract for Revolution? — Legerin Magazine
Make Rojava Green Again — Internationalist Commune
The Battle for the Mountain of the Kurds — Thomas Schmidinger
Library Socialism & Usufruct — SRSLY WRONG Episode 189 — Srsly Wrong
Library Socialism & The Irreducible Minimum – Srsly Wrong Ep 196 — Srsly Wrong
Library Socialism & Complementarity – Srsly Wrong Ep. 200 — Srsly Wrong
Bonus Q&A: How to Make Library Socialism Now — Srsly Wrong
Google Murray Bookchin – Srsly Wrong Ep. 96 — Srsly Wrong
Bullshit Jobs (w/ David Graeber) – Srsly Wrong Ep. 153 — Srsly Wrong
Videos & Documentaries
From Marxism to Communalism and Confederalism — Janet Biehl
Pay to View Books
These books were all released after 2022, so perhaps we could reach out to the authors about publishing a preview of the first chapter of their book on the library. That way we wouldn’t be damaging sales of their books.
Intimate Direct Democracy — Modibo Kadalie
Anthropology and Dialectical Naturalism — Brian Morris
Reclaiming Cities — Yavor Tarinski
The Kurdish Women’s Movement — Dilar Dirik
The Mother, the Politician, and the Guerrilla — Nazan Üstündağ
Weaving Another Future — the Jineoloji Committee Europe
Anticapitalist Economy in Rojava — Azize Aslan
Content not yet converted into AmuseWiki format
Perspectives on Palestine
An introduction to Communalism & Social Ecology
Social Ecology — Emily McGuire
Social Ecology in-depth
Pan-African Social Ecology — Modibo Kadalie
Pioneers of Ecological Humanism — Brian Morris
Ecology — The Rebellion of the Environment — Abdullah Öcalan
Politics & Libertarian Municipalism
Social Ecology & the Right to the City — Various Authors
City, Municipality, Commune — Yavor Tarinsky
A Politics for the 99% — Marco Rosaire Conrad-Rossi
Fearless Cities — Various
Rebel Cities — David Harvey
Looking back at Bookchin
Bookchin: A Critical Appraisal — Damian White
Democratic Confederalism
The Art of Freedom — Havin Guneser
Beyond State, Power and Violence — Abdullah Öcalan
The Theory of Democratic Modernity as a Guide for Building a New Internationalism
The Struggle for Socialism — Mustafa Karasu
Your Freedom and Mine — Thomas Miley and Federico Venturini
Self-Determination Struggles — Thomas Jeffrey-Miley
Democratic Autonomy in North Kurdistan — TATORT Kurdistan
Democratic Confederalism — Xebat Andok
The KCK Strategy — Cemil Bayik
Jineolojî and the Women’s Revolution
Sara: My Whole Life Was A Struggle — Sakine Cansiz
The Manifesto of the Democratic Civilization
Resources on Rojava
Stateless Democracy — Various Authors
Beyond the Frontlines: The Building of the Democratic System in North and East Syria
Young and Promising: An Introduction to the NES University System
After ISIS: Ensuring a Future for Christians and Other Minorities in North and East Syria
Democratic Confederalism — Abdullah Öcalan
Videos & Documentaries
Some potential texts already in AmuseWiki format that could be copied over
Texts Critiquing Communalism
Notes on a Public Discussion with a Greek anarchist who Volunteered in Rojava — Anonymous
Anarchy after Leftism — Bob Black
Book Filled with Lies — Bob Black
Nightmares of Reason — Bob Black
Notes on “Post-Left Anarchism” — Bob Black
Withered Anarchism — Bob Black
The Politics of Postanarchism — Saul Newman
Anarchism Needs a Working Class Revolution — Wayne Price
Anarchy Vs. Communalism — ziq
Texts Supporting Communalism
Bookchin–Öcalan Correspondence — Abdullah Öcalan
Chaos-causing diseases are spreading — Abdullah Öcalan
Declaration on the Democratic Solution of the Kurdish Question — Abdullah Öcalan
Interview with Abdullah Öcalan — Abdullah Öcalan
My Solution for Turkey, Syria, and the Kurds — Abdullah Öcalan
Re-evaluating Anarchism — Abdullah Öcalan
The Revolution is Female — Abdullah Öcalan
“The Struggle Is not for Martyrdom but for Life” — CrimethInc.
From Germany to Bakur — CrimethInc.
Interview with the Internationalist Commune in Rojava — CrimethInc.
One Year Since the Turkish Invasion of Rojava: An Interview with Tekoşîna Anarşîst — CrimethInc.
Remembering Xelîl — CrimethInc.
Rojava — CrimethInc.
The “Ceasefire” Is a Deadly Fraud — CrimethInc.
The Roots of Turkish Fascism — CrimethInc.
The Threat to Rojava — CrimethInc.
Understanding the Kurdish Resistance — CrimethInc.
All Economies are Ultimately Human Economies — David Graeber
America’s Kurdish allies risk being wiped out – by Nato — David Graeber
Manufactured ignorance — David Graeber
Öcalan as Thinker — David Graeber
Preface to Civilization: The Age of Masked Gods and Disguised Kings — David Graeber
Re-Thinking Resistance — David Graeber
Syria, Anarchism & Visiting Rojava — David Graeber
Why are world leaders backing this brutal attack against Kurdish Afrin? — David Graeber
Why is the world ignoring the revolutionary Kurds in Syria? — David Graeber
Radical Municipalism — Debbie Bookchin
The Confederation as the Commune of Communes — Debbie Bookchin & Sixtine van Outryve
The Anarchist Revolution — Dena Clamage, Murray Bookchin
Announcement of the Creation of the IRPGF and Membership in the International Freedom Battalion — International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces
Final communique from IRPGF — International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces
IRPGF Statement on the Martyrdom of TKP/ML – TİKKO Rojava Commander Orhan Bakırcıyan / Martager (Nubar Ozanyan ՆուպարՕզանյան) — International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces
Smashing the State in Rojava and Beyond — International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces
Spanish Anarchist in IRPGF on the Women’s Revolution from Rojava to Spain — International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces
“Our aim is to create an international movement able to change the capitalist drift that humanity is suffering” — Internationalist Commune
“We need a revolutionary movement able to overcome all kind of oppression” — Internationalist Commune
About the Internationalist Commune — Internationalist Commune
For a new Internationalism of Women — Internationalist Commune
Hand in Hand with the Women’s Revolution — Internationalist Commune
Internationalists in the Revolution — Internationalist Commune
Interview: Rojava, Venezuela and South America — Internationalist Commune
The role of internationalists in the Rojava revolution — Internationalist Commune
‘What can we learn from the ongoing revolution in Rojava?’ — Internationalist Commune, Avjîn Azadî
Why Jineolojî? Re-Constructing the Sciences towards a Communal and Free Life — Internationalist Commune, Gönül Kaya
From Capitalist Modernity to Democratic Modernity — Internationalist Commune, Rok Brossa
Bookchin Breaks with Anarchism — Janet Biehl
Bookchin, Öcalan, and the Dialectics of Democracy — Janet Biehl
Bookchin’s Trotskyist decade — Janet Biehl
From Movement to Parliamentary Party — Janet Biehl
Insurgency, conflict and communalism in Colombia — Janet Biehl
Kurdish Communalism — Janet Biehl
The Fallacy of “Neither Left nor Right”: Militia Fever — Janet Biehl
The Politics of Social Ecology — Janet Biehl
The Revolutionary Moment — Janet Biehl
Theses on Social Ecology and Deep Ecology — Janet Biehl
Thoughts on Rojava: an interview with Janet Biehl — Janet Biehl
Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience — Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier
Interview with Murray Bookchin — Jeff Riggenbach
A 40-year-old social legacy — Komun Academy
Embodying Chaos, Struggle, Utopia — Komun Academy
From State to Democracy — Komun Academy
Mutual aid and solidarity against Covid-19 — Komun Academy
People’s Assemblies outside Kurdistan — Komun Academy
Self-Defense is Existential — Komun Academy
The Kurdish Freedom Struggle and (Anti)Imperialism in the 21st Century — Komun Academy
The Main Principles of Democratic Confederalism — Komun Academy
Why Komun Academy? — Komun Academy
Our Synthetic Environment — Lewis Herber
Towards a Liberatory Technology — Lewis Herber
Ecology and Revolutionary Thought — Lewis Herber (Murray Bookchin)
Social Ecology and Democratic Confederalism — Make Rojava Green Again
Revolution in Rojava — Michael Knapp, Anja Flach, and Ercan Ayboğa
A Critique of the Draft Program of the Left Green Network — Murray Bookchin
A Discussion on “Listen, Marxist!” — Murray Bookchin
A Meditation on Anarchist Ethics — Murray Bookchin
A Note on Affinity Groups — Murray Bookchin
Anarchism and Power in the Spanish Revolution — Murray Bookchin
Anarchism: Past and Present — Murray Bookchin
Anarchy and Organization: A letter to the left — Murray Bookchin
Attacks on Israel Ignore the Long History of Arab Conflict — Murray Bookchin
Basic Principles, Future Prospects — Murray Bookchin
Between the 30s and the 60s — Murray Bookchin
Comments on the International Social Ecology Network Gathering and the “Deep Social Ecology” of John Clark — Murray Bookchin
Communalism, the Democratic Dimension of Anarchism — Murray Bookchin
Community Control or Statist Politics: A Reply to David Lewis — Murray Bookchin
Community Ownership of the Economy — Murray Bookchin
Death of a Small Planet — Murray Bookchin
Defending the Earth: A Debate — Murray Bookchin
Desire and Need — Murray Bookchin
Finding the Subject — Murray Bookchin
Free Cities — Murray Bookchin
Freedom and Necessity in Nature: A Problem in Ecological Ethics — Murray Bookchin
From Spectacle To Empowerment — Murray Bookchin
History, Civilization, and Progress: Outline for a Criticism of Modern Relativism — Murray Bookchin
Intelligentsia and the New Intellectuals — Murray Bookchin
Libertarian Municipalism: An Overview — Murray Bookchin
Libertarian Municipalism: The New Municipal Agenda — Murray Bookchin
Listen, Marxist! — Murray Bookchin
Municipalization — Murray Bookchin
Myth of the Party — Murray Bookchin
Nationalism and the “National Question” — Murray Bookchin
Nature and Ideology — Murray Bookchin
Notes on the Death of Franco — Murray Bookchin
On “Remaking of the American Left” — Murray Bookchin
On Spontaneity and Organisation — Murray Bookchin
Popular Politics vs. Party Politics — Murray Bookchin
Post-Affluence Anarchy: A Dialogue — Murray Bookchin
Post-Scarcity Anarchism — Murray Bookchin
Post-Scarcity Anarchism — Murray Bookchin
Radical Agriculture — Murray Bookchin
Radical Politics in an Era of Advanced Capitalism — Murray Bookchin
Radicalizing Democracy — Murray Bookchin
Re-enchanting Humanity — Murray Bookchin
Recovering Evolution: A Reply to Eckersley and Fox — Murray Bookchin
Remaking Society — Murray Bookchin
Reply from Murray Bookchin to ‘5th of May Group’ on Turkish anarchism — Murray Bookchin
Reply to ACF — Murray Bookchin
Resolution: “On Gubernatorial Races” — Murray Bookchin
Second Nature — Murray Bookchin
Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism — Murray Bookchin
Social Ecology versus Deep Ecology: A Challenge for the Ecology Movement — Murray Bookchin
Society and Ecology — Murray Bookchin
Sociobiology or Social Ecology — Murray Bookchin
State Capitalism in Russia — Murray Bookchin
Stop the Bomb — Murray Bookchin
Summer in France — Murray Bookchin
The American Crisis — Murray Bookchin
The Bernie Sanders Paradox — Murray Bookchin
The Communalist Project — Murray Bookchin
The Communist Manifesto: Insights and Problems — Murray Bookchin
The Crisis in the Ecology Movement — Murray Bookchin
The Ecology of Freedom — Murray Bookchin
The Ghost of Anarcho-Syndicalism — Murray Bookchin
The Greening of Politics — Murray Bookchin
The Left That Was — Murray Bookchin
The Limits of the City — Murray Bookchin
The May–June Events in France — Murray Bookchin
The Meaning of Confederalism — Murray Bookchin
The Next Revolution — Murray Bookchin
The Philosophy of Social Ecology — Murray Bookchin
The Population Myth — Murray Bookchin
The Spanish Anarchists — Murray Bookchin
The Third Revolution — Murray Bookchin
The Twilight Comes Early — Murray Bookchin
The Unity of Ideals and Practice — Murray Bookchin
The Youth Culture — Murray Bookchin
Theses on Libertarian Municipalism — Murray Bookchin
Thoughts on Libertarian Municipalism — Murray Bookchin
To Remember Spain: The Anarchist and Syndicalist Revolution of 1936 — Murray Bookchin
Toward a Communalist Approach — Murray Bookchin
Toward a post-scarcity society: the American perspective and the SDS — Murray Bookchin
Toward an Ecological Society — Murray Bookchin
Turning Up the Stones — Murray Bookchin
Utopia, not futurism — Murray Bookchin
Were We Wrong? — Murray Bookchin
What is Communalism? — Murray Bookchin
What is Social Ecology? — Murray Bookchin
Whither Anarchism? — Murray Bookchin
Will Ecology Become ‘the Dismal Science’? — Murray Bookchin
Yes! — Whither Earth First? — Murray Bookchin
Environmentalists versus Ecologists — Murray Bookchin, Eugene Eccli
Jineology: From Women’s Struggles to Social Liberation — Necîbe Qeredaxî; Brecht Neven; Marlene Schäfers, Roar Magazine
Last Journals and Writings of Şehîd Tekoşer Piling — Ş. Tekoşer Piling
“Every thunderstorm begins with a single drop” — Ş. Tekoşer Piling/Lorenzo Orsetti
The Anarchist Collectives — Sam Dolgoff (Editor)
Twenty-One Theses for the People’s Ecology in the Twenty-First Century — Social Ecology Cooperative
Last Journals And Writings Of Sehid Tekoser Piling Lorenzo Orso Orsetti — Tekosina Anarsist
Avenge George Floyd and all those murdered by State brutality — Tekoşîna Anarşîst
Dear friends, dear comrades — Tekoşîna Anarşîst
Freedom and dead: Reflections on resistance, repression and sacrifice — Tekoşîna Anarşîst
Lorenzo “Orso” Orsetti — Tekoşîna Anarşîst
One year since Lorenzo fell Şehîd — Tekoşîna Anarşîst
Remembering heval Şevger Ara Makhno — Tekoşîna Anarşîst
Şehîd Şevger Ara Makno — Tekoşîna Anarşîst
Şehîd Şevger Makhno — Fallen in the defence of Afrin — Tekoşîna Anarşîst
Tekmil: A Tool For Collective Reflection — Tekoşîna Anarşîst
Tekoşîna Anarşîst — Tekoşîna Anarşîst
To comrades in Russia — Tekoşîna Anarşîst
Who keeps us safe? We keep us safe! — Tekoşîna Anarşîst
Anarchists in Rojava — Tekoşîna Anarşîst & União Libertária
A Communalist Assembly Starter Kit — Usufruct Collective
A Friendly Critique of Bookchin’s Politics — Usufruct Collective
An introduction to Utopian Thinking — Usufruct Collective
Communalism — Usufruct Collective
Communalism and Especifismo — Usufruct Collective
Introduction to Neighborhood Assemblies — Usufruct Collective
Social Ecology and Social Immunity in the time of Sars 2 — Usufruct Collective
The Conquest of Sandwiches — Usufruct Collective
Towards Communalist Especifism — Usufruct Collective
Deep Ecology & Anarchism — Various Authors
Unsorted Communalist Related Texts
Interview with the Kurdistan Anarchists Forum (KAF) about the situation in Iraq/Kurdistan — A Las Barricadas
A Commune in Rojava? — Alex de Jong
Kurdish Autonomy Between Dream and Reality — Alex de Jong
Stalinist caterpillar into libertarian butterfly? — Alex de Jong
The New-Old PKK — Alex de Jong
Open letter to P. A. Kropotkin — Alexander Atabekian
The No State Solution — Alexander Kolokotronis
Anarchism And The National Liberation Struggle — Alfredo Bonanno
Review: Social Anarchism or Lifestylist Anarchism — An Unbridgeable Chasm — Anarchist Communist Federation
Statement on Rojava — Anarchist Federation
The Kurdistan Shoras Resistance — Anarchist Federation
Review of Social Ecology and Communalism — Anarcho
We Don’t Need a “Plethora of Tactics”, We Need a Climate Strategy — AnarchyNouveau
Constructing the Revolution — Anark
An Anarchist Communist Reply to ‘Rojava: An Anarcho-Syndicalist Perspective’ — Anarkismo Editors Group
Rojava — Revolution Between a Rock and a Hard Place — Andrew Flood
Anarchist who Fought in Rojava — Anonymous
Green Anarchism: Towards the Abolition of Hierarchy — Anonymous
Palestine: Intersectional Solidarity — Anonymous
Review: Anarchism, Marxism and the Future of the Left — Anonymous
Rojava Reality — Anonymous
Revolutionary echoes from Syria — Anonymous, Hourriya
The grim reality of the Rojava Revolution — Anti War, anonymous
Review: Riding the Wind by Peter Marshall — Aragorn!
Towards a Vibrant & Broad African-Based Anarchism — Ashanti Alston
The Kurdish Uprising & Kurdistan’s Nationalist Shop Front — B.M Blob, B.M Combustion
Internationalism and the Question of Revolutionary Leadership — Bager Rosa
Archipelagic Confederation — Bas Umali
African Inter-Communalism — Black Autonomy Federation
Agroecology and Organized Anarchism — Black Rose Anarchist Federation
Anthropology and Anarchism — Brian Morris
Ecology and its recuperation by capitalists — Brian Morris
Interview with the Kurdistan Anarchist Forum (KAF) — Bridget
Our Perspectives and Tasks on the Revolution in Rojava — BRRN International Committee
The Missing Bond of Solidarity — Budour Hassan
Kobane, Rojava and the Western Left — Burn Shit
Murray Bookchin and the value of democratic municipalism — Cain Shelley
Murray Bookchin in London — Charlie Crute
Being a Bookchinite — Chuck Morse
Debunking Nonsense in the Anarchist Movement — Chuck Munson
Climate, oil and death of soil — Çîrok Ecnebî
Revolution in the Syrian Desert — Çîrok Ecnebî
Anarchy in the YPG — Clare Maxwell
Temporary Autonomous Zones — Colin Ward
An Ambiguous Paradise Built in Hell — Dan Fischer
“No. This is a Genuine Revolution” — David Graeber and Pinar Öğünç
“Listen, Anarchist!” — David Harvey
Trump’s Betrayal of YPG — David Van Deusen
VT AFL-CIO Welcomes YPG Vet / Holds Political Convention — David Van Deusen
Beyond Bookchin (excerpts) — David Watson, Steve Welzer
We Are Calling To The Federation! — Devrimci Anarşist Federasyon
Solidarity Message to the Revolted Peoples in Iran from Captive Anarchist Guerrilla Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis — Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis
In the Heart of Syria’s Darkness, a Democratic, Egalitarian and Feminist Society Emerges — Dor Shilton
A New Form of International Solidarity — Duran Kalkan
Social Ecology and the Right to the City — Edited by Federico Venturini, Emet Değirmenci, Inés Morales
Reason, creativity and freedom: The communalist model — Eleanor Finley
Ecology Discussions and Practices in the Kurdish Freedom Struggle — Ercan Ayboğa
Market Anarchist Plus — Eric Fleischmann
On Liberated Zones Theory — Eric Fleischmann
An Interview with Tekoşîna Anarşîst — Facção Fictícia
Covid-19 – is everything going to be alright again? — Ferda Çetin
Letter from Turkish and Kurdish anarchists to Murray Bookchin — Fifth of May Group
Prison Break: An Anarchist Blueprint for Hedonism — Flower Bomb
Venezuela: ¡Comuna o Nada! — George Ciccariello-Maher
Kurdistan? — Gilles Dauvé
Forms of Freedom — Glenn Hall
Revolution in Rojava? — Guerre de Classe
Abdullah Öcalan, And All the Other Political Prisoners Must Be Released! — Hasse-Nima Golkar
Police abolition and other revolutionary lessons from Rojava — Hawzhin Azeez
From one crisis to another — Helen Arnold, Daniel Blanchard, Fabien Delmotte
Ecology against Capitalism — Hêlîn Asî
Big talk with Tekoşîna Anarşîst — Hevale & Tekoşîna Anarşîst
A response to the article “Rojava: An anarcho-syndicalist perspective” — Hüseyin Civan
Bookchin remembered — Iain McKay
Anarchist Armed Struggle in Rojava and Beyond — Insurrection News
Letter from an antifa militant in Rojava — International Revolution
Interview with Tekoşîna Anarşîst – An Armed Collective in Rojava — Interviewed by the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya
Pride, Tinged With Sadness — Jamie Goldrick
An Anti-Authoritarian Analysis of Syria’s Uprising and Civil War — Javier Sethness-Castro
Revolution in Permanence in Syria, After the Uprisings — Javier Sethness, Dan Fischer
Is Another World Possible? — Jean Desta
Listen Anarchist! — Jeff Shantz
What is Postanarchism “Post”? — Jesse Cohn
The fall of Rojava — Jim Kovpak
A Social Ecology — John Clark
Bridging the Unbridgeable Chasm: On Bookchin’s Critique of the Anarchist Tradition — John Clark
Municipal Dreams — John Clark
Hatta Shūzō and Pure Anarchism in Interwar Japan — John Crump
The Lady or the Tiger — John Farthing II
Murray Bookchin and the Kurdish resistance — Joris Leverink
Book Review: Revolution in Rojava — José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
Conversation with Sinan Çiftyürek on the Kurdish question and the communists — José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
Dialogue with Ahali on the Kurdish question and anarchism — José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
NATO against the Kurds — José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
Revolution in Rojava – an insight into the liberation movement in the Western Kurdistan — José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
State terrorism is openly practiced in Europe — José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
The Arab rebellion and the imperialist war on Libya from a Kurdish perspective — José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
The Massacre of Kurds in Sirnak — José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
On the Syrian Revolution and the Kurdish Issue — Joseph Daher
Rojava: An Anarcho-Syndicalist Perspective — Karl Blythe
Venezuela’s Communes — Katrina Kozarek
There is No Progressive Nationalism — Ken Furan
Do Kurdish people lack a state? — Kurdish Anarchists
What is Going On in Kurdistan? — Kurdish Anarchists
Interview with the International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces — Kurdish Question
Clarification of a group of Kurdish speaking anarchists to the announcement of the Anarchism Era Federation — Kurdish-speaking Anarchists Forum
Solidarity for Afrin and Rojava against the Turkey State — Kurdish-speaking Anarchists Forum
Solidarity With People In Rojava, Denouncing Turkish State And United States Allies — Kurdish-speaking Anarchists Forum
FAQ about the Kurdistan Anarchist Forum — Kurdistan Anarchist Forum
Kobane’s Second Phase: Resistance and Necessities — Kurdistan Anarchists Forum
Individual and Community — Laurence Davis
An open letter to comrades in the Kurdish anarchist movement — Libertarian Socialist Movement
Rojava: The betrayal of a Revolution — Mandy Moussouris
Jineoloji — Marcel Cartier
On ‘Fifth Estate’, Anarchism, Technology & Bookchin — Marcus Graham
We need a plethora of tactics — Matthew Azoulay
A plethora of tactics does not preclude a strategy — Matthew Azoulay of Epic Tomorrows
Rejecting the American Model — Matthew S. Adams
Victory to the Rojava Revolution! — Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group
Radical Democracy in Practice — Michael Knapp
1978–1979: The Iranian Revolution — Michael Schmidt
The Kurdish Question — Michael Schmidt & Lucien van der Walt
Bicycles and Civilization — Michael William
Towards Autonomy — Michalis Koulouthros and Yavor Tarinski
Wild-life: anarchy, ecology, and ethics — Mick Smith
Murray Bookchin: social anarchism, ecology and education — Mike Wood
The No State Solution — Mohammed Bamyeh & Uri Gordon
OK Bookchin — No Wing
Status of Forces Agreement — Noam Chomsky
The People in Gravest Danger — Noam Chomsky
Oxford Green Anarchists on Bookchin — Oxford Green Anarchists
The PKK — Paul White
Dispatches from Rojava — Paul Z. Simons
Anarchist with a gun — Phil Kuznetsov
From Rojava to the Mapuche Struggle — Pilar Villanueva
Revolution From Below In Syria? — Piper Tompkins
Anarchist Critique of The PKK — Rage Against Capital
Rojava’s everyday democracy — Ramazan Mendanlioglu
Toward a Poststructural Social Ecology — reimagining
Anarchism in Rojava — Rev Dia
Betrayal and Solidarity — Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement
Law and Order Among The Anarchists — Robert Evans
National Liberation & Anarchism — Saint Andrew
Constitution of the South-East Queensland Union of Renters — SEQUR
The Anarchists vs. the Islamic State — Seth Harp
The Necessity of Dialectical Naturalism — Shannon Brincat, Damian Gerber
Murray Bookchin on Mars! — Shaun Huston
A Glimmer of Hope — Shawn Hattingh
The Rojava Experiment — Shawn Hattingh
Notes on “Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism” — Shawn P. Wilbur
How do co-operatives work in Rojava? — Social Economy Development Centre
Against World War III — Songül Karabulut
Rebel Cities — Steve Rushton
A Mountain River Has Many Bends — Strangers In A Tangled Wilderness
A Small Key Can Open a Large Door — Strangers In a Tangled Wilderness
Community, Democracy, and Mutual Aid — Symbiosis Research Collective
Hope Against Hope: Why Progressivism is as Useless as Leftism — Tara Specter
Anarchism or Vanguardism? — The Free
The Most Important Thing — The Hamilton Institute
The Most Important Thing — The Hamilton Institute
Not One Step Back! — The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army
Anticolonial Separatism in the Neoliberal Era — The Renegade
Checkpoints & Tritonal — The Renegade
The Battle for the Mountain of the Kurds — Thomas Schmidinger
Murray Bookchin’s Legacy — Tom Wetzel
Finding The Man — Bookchin Revisited — Tony Sheather
Freedom, Anarchism, or Social Ecology — Tony Sheather
Common Consciousness — Uchiyama Gudō
The Kurdish Uprising and Kurdistan’s Nationalist Shop Front and Its Negotiations with the Baathist/Fascist Regime — Various Authors
Rojava: An Anarcho-Syndicalist Perspective — Workers Solidarity Alliance
Direct Democracy — Yavor Tarinski
Reflections on Castoriadis and Bookchin — Yavor Tarinski
Rojava: Fantasies and Realities — Zafer Onat
Afrin and the Policies of the Democratic Union Party — Zaher Baher
Confederalism, Democratic Confederalism and Rojava — Zaher Baher
Does Anarchist Movement in Iraqi Kurdistan, Bashur, exist? — Zaher Baher
In retaking Mosul YPG/J and the Guerrillas must be aware of the hidden agenda — Zaher Baher
Our attitude towards Rojava must be critical solidarity — Zaher Baher
Rojava between genocide and compromise — Zaher Baher
The battle of Idlib Province in Syria is decisive and crucial for the future of Rojava — Zaher Baher
The experiment of West Kurdistan (Syrian Kurdistan) has proved that people can make changes — Zaher Baher
The Kurdish people should get involved in and support campaigns on local and national issues — Zaher Baher
The latest message from Ocalan and my opinion — Zaher Baher
The social revolution will sweep Turkey Kurdistan sooner or later — Zaher Baher
We, supporters of Rojava, should be worried about its partnership with the United States. — Zaher Baher
What sort of uprising do we need in Iraqi Kurdistan? — Zaher Baher
Where is the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) heading? — Zaher Baher
Why anarchism isn’t a popular idea? — Zaher Baher
Why Anarchists and Libertarians have been divided over Rojava? — Zaher Baher
From Marxism to Communalism and Confederalism — Janet Biehl
Presentation on the ecological situation in Northern Syria & a campaign project working to help
Is a Revolutionary Approach to Politics in Britain Possible? — Kurdish Solidarity Network
Library Socialism & Usufruct — SRSLY WRONG Episode 189 — Srsly Wrong
Library Socialism & The Irreducible Minimum – Srsly Wrong Ep 196 — Srsly Wrong
Library Socialism & Complementarity – Srsly Wrong Ep. 200 — Srsly Wrong
Bonus Q&A: How to Make Library Socialism Now — Srsly Wrong
Google Murray Bookchin – Srsly Wrong Ep. 96 — Srsly Wrong
Bullshit Jobs (w/ David Graeber) – Srsly Wrong Ep. 153 — Srsly Wrong
Rojava & Revolution with Josh Walker (YPG) — Josh Walker & Mexie
Falafel with Hezbollah — Radical People Podcast
Metal Gear Solidarity — Radical People Podcast
Vedeng a Rojava Episode 4: Internationalism — Radio Vedeng a Rojava
War experience in Afrîn, Syria — Radio Vedeng a Rojava